Don't invade an alien's space. :/ But I guess you can observe my spacecraft if you want to.
More Word Game Results
What anime do I come from?
Sayla Aris
Hellsing, hands down.
Sparta Kerleon
Sayla Aris
Hellsing, hands down.
That has to be the funniest result I've ever gotten for anything...
... maybe, but it really fits! Hellsing, seconded.
What high school stereotype am I?
Chaotic Harmony
The glaring, "antisocial" girl who really just needs time to get to know a person. With her own group of friends she's a completely different, likeable person.
Which deadly sin am I?
In a dark alley... ...everyone who sees me is afraid 0.o I'm a goddess of...
evil robots
God of Wannabe Punks
<for some reason thought I was a guy 0.o
Goddess of Black kinky magic! sweatdrop
?Kinky? I look KINKY?!
God of surfer dudes...
What do I remind people of?
eek What the fudge?!?!...Ok,give me time to get over the shock... eek
Ok,a robot bent on world destruction.(I know.It's oh so original,isn't it?)
What does my siggie say about me?
.Kahz Del Aria.
A Member of a Deathnote guild..
Okashii Kouken
They like dead or alive?
In a video game, I'm...
Chaotic Harmony
The demon who was captured by the enemy. Unpredictable and vicious, she attacks the hero when he rescues her, instead of thanking him. Her attacks are short-range, fast, and they hit hard.