Then I went into the countryside and sat in front of a rock because it was the thing to do at the time. The rock had a plaque on it that read:
Here lies two boys
known only as Ro and Aari
who were united in birth
seperated during life
twins souls united once more in death
known only as Ro and Aari
who were united in birth
seperated during life
twins souls united once more in death
I believe that it is a premonition, for my childhood nickname was Ro, and my brother's was Aari, and when I later returned to the spot the plaque was blank. What could it mean?
I certainly hope it doesn't mean I am going to die. It is very tiresome being born over and over only to die. But what does it mean by 'united in death'? I find that thought very alarming for reasons I don't even understand myself... united...
Anyway, to calm down I roasted one of the people in my camp who was getting on my nerves and we ate him hot. Then I used his skull to make another warning which I put out just as it got dark.
I think I am getting ill this evening, perhaps I have an impending athsma attack, but I'm not sure. This feeling in my chest is different, usually I just can't breathe but I feel like I've got water in there somewhere and I keep coughing.
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Zarqawi's Lottery