life is a cornucopia of mysterious concepts. xD and so was my night at homecoming. whee
LE GASP! tis me!~ i found it incredibly funny because almost no one knew it was me without having to do a doubble take. sweatdrop i hardly ever wear makeup. or dress in dresses for that matter... BOKU WA SURRIVAN!! MWAHAHAHAH! *cough* yeah... i'm a bit of a tom-boy xd blaugh whee
This is me and Ko-dee xD lol. me "date" per say, though, we're not going out. people say we make a really good cuppol. we even had a rummor going about the week of homecoming. *sigh* me not know. I heart him like a brother though blaugh
tis everyone in our group heart heart mysteriously, we all wound up wearing red and black... WITHOUT PLANNING IT THAT WAY! it kind of looked like we were off to a funeral xd lmso (laugh my socks off). from left to right we is: Ashy-sama, Triplet-sempai, Culti-kun, Mater-sama, me, and Ko-dee-chan
Kimiko-chan was the last of our party though she arrived after we took this pic. thus we had a party of 7 xd
KYA! MATER-SAMA!!!! This is one of my best friends, Mater (also known as Merr). These first few pics where all taken at her house before we left to go eat. Her boyfriend is Culti (which is Latin for 'puppy'). He's a Freshman this year so we call him that because he sometimes acts like a lost puppy-dog. KAWAI!
 obviously they where taking lots of pictures that night... just to be sure. sweatdrop most of the time it was about 5 diffrent camra's going off so we didn't know which one was going to go off next... sooo many flashes!!! eek eek eek eek eek
i'll add more once i get the pics... till then: ~Homunc heart
AquilisNoctis · Thu Oct 05, 2006 @ 04:57am · 0 Comments |