This is getting lame! What is next? Santa is really ET? I mean come on, you can only drag out the alien thing for so long. Aliens died with the hippies back in the 60's. I mean come on, what is next? A drunken man dressed in a white sheet calling himself the ghost of Christmas past and his drunk biker buddy with millions of chained wallets? Or some crazy mob of homeless guys weilding empty cups with thier leader being an old guy who smells like old cheese chanting 'Give To The Poor' until all Gaians burst from the pain of repeated boredom? I think Gaia has reached the point where they are out of ideas and are just using the first thing that comes to mind. Remember the whole Von Helsing Sisters V Johnny Gambino? Those never went anywhere. They came, they died. No real plot or explination. They were all eliminated with n00b attacks. Then Gaia moved on to Ian from Barton Boutique killing Gino Gambino, ohh no( rolleyes ).
I want a real event! Something that will have Gaians talking about for more then a month (or whenever they get around to cleaning out thier inventory and stumble on some lame event item). Give us something good!
Redneck Otaku · Wed Nov 15, 2006 @ 04:25pm · 0 Comments |