My rp bio: When she was born her parents put her in a tree and left her there, for they knew her true fate. She was found by a family of vampires and they raised her until she was 17. They then realised it was not safe for a human to know how they lived and there secrets. When she woke up, she could hardly remember human life except that she was raised by vampires. They left her in the woods after the bite and she swore to never change anyone unless they asked. She also preferes not to drink the blood of humans, and she drinks the blood of deer and sometimes other animals, but mostly blood bags. She has a ruby handled pocket knife and uses it for, special reasons. But she is not all vampire.
((I might add more later...but this is it for now))
Enyo the Flaming Warrior · Tue Dec 12, 2006 @ 10:38pm · 2 Comments |