*Image says* Trick or Treating for Valetines Day?
Send me a heart shaped box of sweets (From Barton Jewelry Store) by February 13, 2007. And you'll be entered to win 20,000 gold!
My goal is to collect 1,000 boxes with the bulk of proceeds going to the Ebenezer Foundation, a charity helping Gaians with their quests.

From now until February 13 (the day before Valentine's Day) I will be trick or treating for heart shaped boxes of sweets. These are available from Agatha at Barton Jewelers. My goal is to collect 1,000 boxes of candy. Each box of candy entitles the donor to one number in our Valentine's Day drawing. (Note: Donors cannot pick their own numbers. That's just too much recordkeeping. It's first come, first served, sort to speak.) On Valentine's Day in this thread, I will post a random number between 1 and 1,000. The Gaian with the winning number gets 20,000 gold. My plan is to collect 1,000 boxes of candy and sell them back to Agatha or in the Marketplace, for a total ranging between 50,000 and 80,000 gold; minus the 20,000 gold for the winner, that leaves 30,000 - 60,000 gold for The Ebenezer Foundation to donate to questing Gaians. (If I don't receive 1,000 boxes of candy, I'll still hold the drawing and a lucky Gaian will still receive 20,000 gold. I guess I'll just be out of pocket for the expenses.) You may donate as many boxes of candy as you wish, but the collection will stop at 1,000 or at midnight on February 13, 2007 (whichever one comes first). Consider getting rid of some of that stale candy from last year and win a chance at 20K large!
See all the hearts sent to me here -link name list of box givers in the charity thread.