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Dream journal
this is also where I will put my dream in so i do not forget them. U see if i dream somthin it like means somthing and later on some time in my life it happens!!!!! but it's normally a sean or somgin small and smiple.
in this dream I see a dark temple full of obotlces and eneyames. the eneiemis are armord knigths with towerin shelids and long well crafted swords gittering with the light of the torches. As they attcacke me I relize that I'm not I a temple, but a castle. Why didn't I relize it before? I than relize in the fighting I have beautifull black raven wings with blood red tips. I relize that I am not alone...I see others fighting with me. A man with a long thick flamin brodsword. I than notice I am weilding a long sword with well crafted disein the embole is a star in a cricle wing wings and a flamein crown. Words r indrcibed in the sword as well, they say "for the winged eleamental, may you always be victorious"
Than I feel a suge of power run thorugh me. Fire blows thorugh my hands and distroys the first wave. Only the first. I fly out thorw the window. I feel so..... happy. I feel as if all the cares have been litted from my shoulders. Than a flamin arrow wizzes by me I spot my actacker. And fire a blast of fire to him. As I fly to the roof top I attack. As the battle rages on, a mage tells me to fouce all my power and releas it out. He says to go as far in the center of the actckers as I can. As I fly thier an arrow hits my wing. Than i relize I have been very injured. Than I am thier. I fouces my energry and fire it out. All the atackers r deffeted. The surivors surreneder. I see a tower and head up it. I see all that I have done.... all the death I have casued.
Than I see why we fout. I see a land behind the caslt walls. It takes my breath away. The gentely rolling hills the medow snuggled beside them. A lake in the center of it all. A forest scattered agomg the hills. As I look on, a genreal comes in and says " beautifull isn't it?" The place for our people to live in safety. Many lives have been lost for it, but it is worth it." I say" May I go look?" the genarel reponeds"you may".
As I fly out agin I feel so at one with life. As I dive down into the meadow the soft lush grass tickes my feet. I go to the lake and wash my salf clean and look at my refotion is see a girl with long ash black hair. I am wearing chain mail under my tight fitting black shirt. My pants are cargos and baggy. They are also black but have flameing red that mixes with the black at the bottem.My bealt has bottles and other things such as blades and a book. I have no shoes and the lush green grass feels so nice. A cool brezz hits my face and I smile.
I see the man I saw before with the broadsword. He has a wound and when I wet my hands than put them on the wound is healed. I feel so happy. Is this for real I wonder. A pain hits me on my side and I awake up. Phill is bitting my foot. I see my brez my fan. and the wet is a cup of spilled water on my desk. If only it were real.......
In this dream I am in a forest. As I look at the trees scattered about, I see a small spring with a small blabbing waterfall. As I head thier I noitce I am small. As I approch the spring my reltction is shown. When I see my refltion I see a small black fox with a black bushy tail that has a dipped white end. As I lap up the cool water I feel so odd. Like I'm being watched. As I leave the spring and into a
clearing I hear somthing. I frezze as if some one had hit me with an ice spell. I know that sound. It is the unmistakeable sound of an arrow being pulled back into it's string. Than I hear the grip starting to losin up and I bolt up a tree and up up into the leafy bed of the canapoy. I watch as he moves away slowly. As he leaves I head in the oppisetie dictron. I jump down after going a few feet a way.As I slowly walk I wonder were I am. I see a felid full of beautiful flowers. They look so beautiful like a rainbow of sweet smelling candies. I jump into the flowers. The smell so sweet. As I frolk in the flowers I see butterflies of all coloers fly acrros the meadow. I try to chach one. I jump up and down in plerusere tring to chactch the littile colorful guys. Than I get that bulury seeing agin. And wake up. I find my smell the purfus bottle broke. Than cool water though I'll never know what that was....
In this dream I see many many ppl. It looks like I am in a market palce. when I turn around a weponsmith's forge and shop are thier.I see the foreges fire jump exitedly as I look at it. I walk over and see an unfinished sword. I see a hammer and I pick it up and hammer the sword into shape. I will make I a long sword with great diesin. As I hammer I am called to the fornt, by a man in a ash black cloak and askes I I could make him a pionues diesein sword. I tell him I will start right away and to pick it up tommoro. As I perpare for the work I get out my metlts. As I pour the metal into a scaber molded I do not put al of it in. I find a stick and uses it to spread the hot still bubbleing metal in to the deine. I make it look as if it was just smoke. Than I get an idea. I'll make the sword black. I quickly get lots of ash and dump it in to the hot metaly mixture. As I finshish the dineding I let it out of the mold andbegin the hammering. As I look for somthin nice for the hilt I see a shiny on the ground. I pick it up. A beautilful dark green gem.. I will put it in latter when the sword is done. As day turns to night I am extremly tired. But I need to finish by tommoro. As I look at my work it looks beatiful. The black sword looks like smoke. It needs to be sharpened so as I sharpen it looks even more beautiful. I wonder how I know what I am doing? I think as I finsh up the sharpening, I feel sad that I will have to give it away. I grab the pick and small hammer and carfuly add the great details and my craft mark. A star in a circle (sound familair)with wings and a crown. It soon is sun rise and my master pecie is complete. Not bad for a first try. I think. I put in the stone and test out my blade. I find a piece of wood,leather amor,chain mail, and a large rock. As I ready my swing on the rock early bird shoppers watch I swing. The sword is so ligth. A clean cut through. Than the leather arorm. As I ready my swing agin I feel more ppl watch. I swing but this time I see it cut.The sword sweeped through it like it was warm butter. I than ready my swing at the chain male. Many more ppl are watchin now. One man comented " She'll never cut throungh that. Thats watch mens armror." I swing. It cuts through it just like the last. But this time the sword left a green black smoke in the cut. I hear Gaspes , oo's and ahhs. I see a watch men gup. As I ready my last blow the sword steams green and black smoke as it cuts through the rock in half. I hear "'ll give you 1,000 gold for that sword!" I tell the ppl it is not for sale and they leave. I finsish off the sword I was workening on before. I put in a firly red stone in the hilt and test it out. It cuts through every one just like the last one. Than the man in the cloak comes and says "are u finsished yet girl?" I grab the sword and a selth for it and give it to him. As he inspecks it he coments on the deieisn. Than as quick a flash the blade is at my throat.
Than the sword comes alive and kill him. Than it gets all blury and I wake up....
I do not have a dream to enter to day. crying
This dream is very very odd. Here's what happened.
I am cornered with my team and srgt. mac firing out at germans. I'm a bit dumb founded but than I fire out, picking off one at a time. Than the man besides me takes a hit. I get down and take off a pices of my shirt and tie up the wound.I get up and lob a greande. I see them duck but the greande never exploded. So I think when i dougth lob a seconed greanda. than the other on blows up and I throw the other one just cuse. Than I see a man with a raido trying to call for back up. I relize it will never come. I try to find a way to flank the eneamies. Thier is no way out. Than a tank is brought in. A shot is fired at us. Most r knocked out. I sit thier saying "what do I do?" I look for a shield periceing gun. All I find is my own gun. Than I just shoot at the tank than I find myself staring down the berral of a tank. I duck in time but blown back by impactce. I than turn my head over to see the man with the raido get up and just shoot randomly yelling"TAKE ME! TAKE ME!" waving his hands. I see him get shoot right beteewn the eyes and gurgle out the last thing he said"get....out...here"His eyes glaze over. I look up into the night sky. The stars so beautiful. Srtg mac tries to get me but I pass out. I wake up not dead but in a camp with srgt mac and other us army men. I look up and say "did he die?" Before anyone responeds I wake up. I say "No more Borther's and Arms any more I'm dreamin bout it now!"

Omg I got this dream cuse I was lisen to it while I was sleepin!
I'm in a chair listening to some one play the mexican hat dance on thier trumpet. I that thoungt I can play better than that! Than I noctice I have a trupet in my hand. Than as soon as he stops I play TOOOT TOOOOT TOOOOT!!!!!! Than I play the beging of the six flag theme song. Than I walk up to where he is and play the theme song while swinging my head in the beat. When I get up thier I stop. Than he shiwiches songs to the mario theme song. Than when he's done the beaging Thiers cheering. Than I play the six flag theme song but this time I play more of it. Walkin around this time still swinging my head in the beat. Than I stop and I hear louder cheering. Than he plays more he walks around danceing. The cheering is getting louder. When he's done I do mine. I do more of the theme song and walk around still swinging my head and dace. Than I stand still and take a breath. As the guy starts to blow I do more of the song. Than with one hand on the trupet I do a hand stand and walk about still playing and swinging my head. Than some one starts singing. I do a back flip up still playing and swing my head in the beat. The man gets in the rest of his band and they play. I panick the cheering for him is getting louder. Than a gruop of singers come on the stage and sing the words danceing with me. Than my cheering gets louder and I play louder. Soon the man's face is red and no one could here him over my playing. I start dancein with the lead singer, still playing. I than swing my head and bring up some ppl from the audince and they dance with us. I see an old guy and bring him up. He danced like the old crazy guy from the six flag commercia. Than we join in, with me still playing. Than I hear a loud boom as we have fun and I wake up. That was soooo aswsome I say out loud.

In this dream I am in a tower. As I look around the room I see a beautiful bed with a canapé. I see a window and a dressor next to it. The room is fairly big and round. Next to the dressor is a mirro. I see myself in a long black cloak wrapped around me with my hood down. My hair is long and black, eyes bright blue. I see a blue dress under my cloak thourgh the gapes. As I hear the sound of foot steps coming tword the door. As it opens a man appers at the door. He's wearing a cotten shirt and long blck baggy cargo pants. He has brown spicky hair and hard dark brown eyes looking at me serosly. As he walks into the room and sits with me on my bed, I get a flash of who he is. His name is Leon captain of the guard. He askes me in a soothing voice how I am. I tell him I'm fine and ask him why he came. Leon says he says that him and I must leave because their is a seige coming to take over the caslt. I ask him why we must go. He explains that I am important to the kingdom and I must be brought to Rowean the other caslt. He tells me that he will take me their. Just than another man comes into the room in black armor swinging a sword in challege. Leon jumps up grabing his sword on his belt and slashes the kinght in one blow and the black armored kinght falls and dies. Leon says they must leave now and grabs me as he jumps out the window. I than see many more of the black kinghts around the caslt trying to break down the large door. As we fall I look at Leon a firery look on his face of detreation. When we hit the ground he signalys for me to follow him into the forest. As I follow him into the thick forest I seance another following us. As we take a break far away from the battle, the other following us appers. Another black armored knight but I relize his sword is bigger and sharper. As Leon tells me to go hide he takes out his sword. As Leon charges the kinght the kinght makes one swing wich wipes him out cold on the ground. Than the kinght comes over to finsish the job I run out grabing the sword Leon dropped and swung it in deffencen to the blow. I push him back and grab Leon and run away as fast as I can. When I think we are far engoth I rest Leon near a stream. I see I have a bad cut. I tend to Leon's wounds first with his head on my lap I forget about the cut in my arm. As I wipe his head he wakes up. He seemed startd and asked what happened. I told him that he got konek out and I grabbed him and ran. He spots my wound and askes how I got it and why I didn't tend to it first because it seemed deep. I told him I was worried more about him. Leon thanks me for my conern. I don't know why but that I say I love you Leon. He respones I love you to and we make out right thier at the stream. Than the armored kinght comes back and slits Leon's throat. I look up and see the kinght smiling at me evily. He grabs me and ties me up. I look at Leon's lifeless corpes and cry. I feel some ones hard hands trying to take off my cloak and dress I struggle and than dissaper in a cloud of red smoke. I reapper in the front of Rowan with Leon's corpes in my arms. I cry my arms out. A kinght comes out and spots the dead body and askes what happened. I tell him my story he brings me into the caslt. As I'm brougth into my room Leon still in my arms I cry. I wrap up the wound with some cloth. I cry on his chest. I spot a kinfe on my bed stand I reach for it. As I ready to kill my self a hand grabs my arm. Leon looks up at me tears in his eyes to. I drop the kinfe and hug him and cry on him. He conforts me as I cry. He trys to soothe me and confort me, with kisses and words. As I look up at him in his eyes and my vieson burrs. I wake up.

x-l J i n x l-x
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x-l J i n x l-x
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  • User Comments: [2]
    Community Member

    Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 04:37am

    Hey u know me... the weird kid against havin sex xd well... i like ur journal too...

    x-l J i n x l-x
    Community Member

    Thu Mar 08, 2007 @ 01:57am

    Thank you crazy person.

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