Well, there's this old tale about how popular I am... Of course this is a very, very condenced version of the story, but I hope you enjoy it none the less!
Thank you everyone for reading my comic, and keep on commenting!!
-Aaron mrgreen
DAMN! I'm sooooo sorry that it's hard to read... But don't worry, this is the biggest one I have (so far). So, to help you out, I'll add a script.
(Aaron is standing with his soon-to-be-boss, where? I dunno...)
Boss: So, Aaron is it? What makes you think you've got what it takes to be a successfull artist?
Aaron: Well... I guess nothing really... Other than I'm already really famous.
Boss: WHAT?! What are you talking about? I've never heard of you until I saw your stuff in the show!
Aaron: Really... Well that's very strange. Very strange indeed. Because I assure you I AM very famous.
Boss: You are such a liar!! Prove it!
Aaron: Alright... Follow me. (they leave, where? I dunno...)
Narrarator: Imagine it's later now... In modern day Rome. 6:45
Aaron: Alright, see him up there? That's the Pope... (Pointing to the Pope)
Boss: Yeah! I know that! So what about him?
Aaron: I'll be right back. (Aaron leaves)
Boss: ******** idiot... I don't know what he's trying to... (Boss is shocked to see Aaron standing next to the Pope on his balcony)
(Foreginer walks in to the scene, Boss is still shocked, just staring)
Foreginer: Hey! Who ist das beside der Aaron?
Boss: (His own a*****e crushes his small heart, he dies)
Foreginer: Ich don't know either... Santa?...
Lewa Greenleaf · Fri Feb 23, 2007 @ 11:21pm · 0 Comments |