I feel like a complete and utter arsehole. I made a trip to Ohio to see my family and friends....and didn't even talk to any of them. I didn't get to see my mother because we took a friend along to help drive and all he did is ask when we were going to go home, I almost left my kid in another state just to get him home only to find out that he was calling my other mother, who had problems of her own, whining to her and asking to come get him. We didn't even get to talk to her. Our phone was dead and when I asked to use his, after he offered, I got ignored. I still haven't called my birth mother.....I just feel so bad that I haven't seen her in months and the time I do get a chance to and tell her I'm going to, I don't even show. I guess I'll stop for now....find something to do to keep my mind off of feeling like an arse.....................
xo_Gabriella-chan_ox · Fri Mar 02, 2007 @ 01:06am · 0 Comments |