
26 more people have to join till I get my headphones ;o; Please click
Hello this is anthony. Im totally clumsy and am nice to MOST people. No begging pms please. I'm sick and tired of them. I'm not donating to you alright.
Currently in: New York
Currently Playing: Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Currently Listening To: Make it Mine by Jason Mraz
Currently In: The Heavenly Banquet
Places I would like to visit:
Currently Watching
•Bernie Mac Show
•Sabrina the Teenage Witch
•That 70s Show
•Malcom in the Middle
If you guys want to play with me
Xbox 360
•Regular Friend Code: 2640-9726-1891-1485
•Animal Crossing Friend Code: [Add Friend Code here]
•Pokemon Battle Revolution Friend Code: [Add Friend Code here]
Today I am questing the following:
•1x Steel Plated Ninjaband
•2x March 09 Letters
•2x February 09 Letters
•2x January 09 Letters
Currently Crushing on:
heart Kaitlyn heart -I hate her now
heart Sugra heart -She keeps telling me nice things but then she tells me she doesn't like me
heart Jeanna heart
Currently Reading:
•To Kill a Mockingbird
•Westing Game
•The Looking Glass Wars
Offically Hoarding:
•2009 Letters x2
Tiana Luscinia
I don't care for it. It's just a little fog here, some over there... Not very interesting. It's just... Fog.
Thank you everyone and have a nice day ^^
Welcome to Wayside
My life. Though, my life is way more than it seems. Welcome to wayside middle school.
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