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Swordsmen-X's avatar

Gender: Male

My FFXI online pics


Valkarum Dunes (glitch):
(Under water behind Selbina zone)
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Left: Black_Rose81 (Yuffiekisaragi)
Right: Swordsmen-x (MercenaryX)

Aht Urghan Whitegate:
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Me in my Dark Knight artifact outfit

Wajoom Woodlands:
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I prefer to wear my artifact outfit without the helmet

Aht Urghan Whitegate:
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Same time the 2nd pic was taken, except in this image the outfit I'm wearing is what (used to) wear in battle, because the stat bonuses from it are much more potent. (Hauby and other assorted gear)


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"Mercenary X" (If aired on TV) series background soundtracks

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About My Book

Chapter 2 status: Undergoing editing.

Book Cover:
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About the Book:

In a world where the number of births is limited by law, and shadow children (third born) are forced to seclusion from the rest of the world, lies a swordsman who possesses great and terrible power. His origin unknown, his past shrouded in mystery, he lives day to day in complete silence without a word. Known only as X to the common folk, he makes a modest living using his brawn for money, giving him the title of mercenary.
Said to be carved from the toe of a demon, X's blade possesses dark powers the likes of which this world has never seen. Where did he come into possession of such a weapon? Why does he have it? Should one trust a being who wields such power? Be he good or evil, this first person thriller (taken from X's point of view) is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat as you slowly uncover the secrets surrounding X's past and why his personality is so cold. One thing however is made painfully clear about this mercenary:


(everything beyond that is strictly top secret work)


September 15th 2008

First HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT (before we talk about my progress on the book). In case any of you have been reading up on my journal thoughts on the book, you may have picked up on the small notion that there might be a "MercenaryX II: Origin of the Sword*" once I finish my current work. Well I'm very pleased to announce that I've come to a decision and (drum roll) I've decided to do it. I'm going to make but a single sequel to the current novel, to follow up on loose ends that you will encounter in the first story. The battles in the second book will be hotter, faster paced, and more spine tingling than any of the ones encountered in its predecessor. It has taken me a long time to decide, but I think I now have enough confirmed decent material to work with to be able to come up with a decent sequel story. Much of the details must remain a secret for now, but all I can confirm for you is that all the characters from the first novel will indeed be the point of focus, and that it will likely take place around 1 year after the events of the first one. This one is bound to keep you on the edge of your seat though as many more mysteries will be encountered in this after you've already solved the ones from the origional novel.

*(working subtitle)

now for the novel update:

Ok guys I know I've been gone a long time however, I've finally been inspired enough to get up off my lazy a** and to stop pretending to be making progress on chapter 2. Of course, I did do all the things with chapter 2 that I had been updating about. Unfortunately the truth is guys, that everything that I was writing in chapter 2 in the back of my head just kept saying "this is crap stop writing!" but I didn't know how to make it any better, but I just had a super injection of inspiration, and I think I'm comfortable enough to say that Chapter 2 should be done by the time the month is out.

As for all the written work I already have done in chapter 2, I'm sorry to say this but yet again, I'm scrapping it. I know, I know, I do that a lot. However, what you guys don't understand is that my constant self criticism and necessity to be perfectly interesting and fluent in what I write is what made the first chapter such a hit with Gaia, and that chapter alone took me 2 years to actually sit down and start working on.

Now, remember when I said everything is subject to change until publication? Well, I'm changing the title of chapter 2 from "The [whatever the hell it was idr]" to chapter 2: The Dream. Again, this is still subject to change, and all the information I had already typed down for 'chapter 2' is going to be bumped up a chapter. So what was once going to be chapter 2 is now going to be chapter 3, and what was going to be chapter 3 is now being written as chapter 2.

I'm confident you will all enjoy this next chapter.

Happy Hawking my profile!

Other Info:

Playlist songs, and list of when they're played during the scenes in the book:

Misery Business :
Opening Theme to each episode

Bold music titles represents music not in the player, but is certain to be used

~~~(Song Needed)~~~
X vs. ???(2)

Save Yourself:
X vs. Demonic Creature

Ladies and Gentlemen:
Tournament -
X's vs. Many Foes

Scream, aim, fire:
Fight: X vs. ???(1)

Fight: X vs. ???(3)

I want to stand with you on a mountain:
Touching Scene: "X Drowning"

Just Stop:
Fight: X vs. ???(5)

Fight:X Gets Furious

~~~(Song Needed)~~~:
Fight: ???(1) vs. ???(6)

Tears Don't Fall:
Fight: ( X's Rage Returns ) X vs. ???(6)

Let the Bodies hit the Floor - drowning pool
Fight:X vs. ???(6)

Fight: X vs. ???(4)

Eye of the Storm:
Fight: X and ???(1) Vs. ???x100's

The walls of babylon:
Fight: X and ???(1) vs. ???(4)

Down with the Sickness:
Fight: Evil Entity Returns for Final Bout

Welcome to the Black Parade - (My Chemical Romance):
Ending Sequence for Last Episode

Who I'm Hates Who I've Been (Second from bottom) :
Ending Theme to each episode

Who I'am Hates Who I've Been (Last one, slow version):
End Series Song (for last episode)

***Scenes That Still Need Songs:***
X vs. ???(2)
X vs. tournament bounty
X vs. Sikuyo
???(1) vs. ???(6)

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Sometimes I ask myself...
When will this nightmare end?

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Demonic Creature
(From Chapter 4)

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[Makes brief appearance, significance is made apparent MXII]

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I'm 23 years old, just so everyone knows.