Viewing Raguna Takichiro's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Yo, name's Raguna or Alex if you must. I'm 16 now, and going into my Junior Year of High School. Yeah, my schedule is gonna be packed with tons of hard (AP) classes this year, so that'll be fun. Anyways, I like to read, draw, and play video games. If you're interested in my drawings, then you should totally inquire about ordering some art from my art shop ;D besides that, on Gaia, my main hobby is Role Playing, so if you have a roleplay that needs people, feel free to run it by me. Also, I have my own roleplay going at the moment, that could use some people, so if you wanna join that, that'd be cool too >w< anyhoo, yeah, that's pretty much it :3 now enjoy the shiz below that I dun feel like cleaning up 8D:
User Image
Total Value: 1,785,075 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Fox Ears
Radicool Blackout Trim Top
Lunar Scythe
Flame Sword
Black Wulf Boots
Black Wulf Tail
Dark Star
Let it Snow
Elemental Wings
Rough Blue Jeans
User Image
Made by sakura blossom haruno 271
Total Value: 247,940 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dark Star
Dark Star
Furugasa 3rd Gen.
Furugasa 4th Gen.
Frostbite Blade
Let it Snow
Let it Snow
Let it Snow
Black Ops Gear
Winter Fox Mink
Year of the Dog
Black Sport Vest
Black Pearl Vinyl Strap Top
Black Net Top
Cloud Zebra Wrap
Blue Flame Shoes
Black Tennis Shorts

User Image
Total Value: 408,160 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black GetaGRIP Shoes
Flame Sword
Holy Gauntlets
Black Workjeans
Radicool Blackout Trim Top
GO Phones
GO Phones

Tala from my story/ manga.

User Image
Total Value: 78,392 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Lunar Scythe
Black Goth Boots
Ribbon Luv Sleeves White
Pure White Sweet Lace Dress
Midnight Black Sweet Lace Knee Socks

Pandora from my story/ manga.

User Image
Total Value: 275,044 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dark Star
Dark Star
Brown Hiking Shoes
Streaked Black Jeans
zOMG Hoodie

Kegumi from my story/ manga. Check it out in my journal!

User Image

I got this pic drawn of Pandora from my friend Sarge =3

Doners(and greatly appreciated):
Salacassera-donated 1000g
Peep07734-donated blue flame shoes


Viewing 12 of 47 friends


Kei Konguki

The novel version of my story


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/24/2010 2:22 pm


lmao, newb much? XDD

Report | 08/23/2010 5:52 pm


sounds epic o.o

Report | 08/23/2010 5:43 pm


sounds epic o.o

Report | 08/23/2010 5:19 pm


sup o3o

Report | 08/20/2010 10:52 pm


lol i nevar said i didn't like brelooms, their so cool looking lol i'm gonna go now cuz its 2 in the morning for me cya latar

Report | 08/20/2010 10:34 pm


mhmm, froslass is one of my favorite pokemon, and gardevoir is my favorite, so thats why it came up, but than gallade --> jirachi, and yes ampharos is badass, and so is snorlax, brelooms are cool but i never found grass/fighting to be a very good type matchup,

Report | 08/20/2010 9:42 pm


lol, legendaries are probbly the first thing that come to mind when people are fighting them, but darkrai has seriously good stats that match all the moves he can learn, at first i was gonna go with gardevoir, but than i was like... eh maybe i should go with gallade, since it only has 2 weaknesses and it can beat both, but wait... jirachi has 2 weaknesses also... plus a better ability than gallade.. and its just so freaking adorable (excluding the eye on its stomach) but my old team was Feraligatr, Dragonite, Froslass, Jolteon, Snorlax (again cuz he's cool), and Tyranitar, see no legendaries, it was really good, in all my team knew every kinda move except for any bug and poison moves, only problem is the Tyranitar, Tyranitar's type is Rock/Dark it screwed me in types ALOT! so i finally decided to just remake the whole thing

Report | 08/20/2010 9:14 pm


lol for some reason i never spent my time breeding or catching to get natures or anything, i know i should cuz dif natures give higher stats and stuff, but i just worry about the pokemon, types moves, and their normal stats and lol i have to train each to level 100 oAo mine consits of Swampert, Arcanine, Rhyperior, Jirachi, Darkrai, and Snorlax, at first i made a team that didn't have legendaries, but now that i've seen A WHOLE LOT of REALLY good trainers, i had to resort to legendaries o.o

Report | 08/20/2010 9:05 pm


lol its alright, everybody procrastinates, some more than others o.o im procrastinating on making my new pokemon team, its pokemon and i love pokemon and i'm procrastinating o.o

Report | 08/20/2010 8:55 pm


uhm.. grape and apple is all that comes into mind XD


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