Yo, name's Raguna or Alex if you must. I'm 16 now, and going into my Junior Year of High School. Yeah, my schedule is gonna be packed with tons of hard (AP) classes this year, so that'll be fun. Anyways, I like to read, draw, and play video games. If you're interested in my drawings, then you should totally inquire about ordering some art from my art shop ;D besides that, on Gaia, my main hobby is Role Playing, so if you have a roleplay that needs people, feel free to run it by me. Also, I have my own roleplay going at the moment, that could use some people, so if you wanna join that, that'd be cool too >w< anyhoo, yeah, that's pretty much it :3 now enjoy the shiz below that I dun feel like cleaning up 8D:

Total Value: 1,785,075 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Steel-plated Ninja BandFox EarsRadicool Blackout Trim TopLunar ScytheFlame SwordBlack Wulf BootsBlack Wulf TailDark StarLet it SnowElemental WingsRough Blue Jeans
Made by sakura blossom haruno 271
Total Value: 247,940 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Dark StarDark StarFurugasa 3rd Gen.Furugasa 4th Gen.Frostbite BladeLet it SnowLet it SnowLet it SnowBlack Ops GearWinter Fox MinkYear of the DogBlack Sport VestBlack Pearl Vinyl Strap TopBlack Net TopCloud Zebra WrapBlue Flame ShoesBlack Tennis Shorts
Total Value: 408,160 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Black GetaGRIP ShoesFlame SwordHoly GauntletsBlack WorkjeansGimpiRadicool Blackout Trim TopGO PhonesGO PhonesTala from my story/ manga.

Total Value: 78,392 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Lunar ScytheBlack Goth BootsRibbon Luv Sleeves WhitePure White Sweet Lace DressMidnight Black Sweet Lace Knee SocksPandora from my story/ manga.

Total Value: 275,044 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Dark StarDark StarBrown Hiking ShoesStreaked Black JeanszOMG HoodieKegumi from my story/ manga. Check it out in my journal!
I got this pic drawn of Pandora from my friend Sarge =3
Doners(and greatly appreciated):
Salacassera-donated 1000g
Peep07734-donated blue flame shoes
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