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**[[A T A S H I N O K O K O R O ]]**

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**[[ F R I E N D O R F A U X ]]**

-Friend-or-Faux-'s avatar

**[[ A T A S H I N I T S U I T E ]]**


My name is Sarah, but you can call me later ;P

I've been a Gaian since early 2008, but I had a rough 2-year hiatus from late '09-'11 (*^^*) If you had the pleasure of meeting me in the past, you may have known me by Katariah or =Techno-_-Beef=, but we don't go into the past. Those were dark, dark times...(_)

My besto-furendo is also on here~ Rainykitty! Lalalalalove you~

Anyways, if you want to get to know the me.20, shoot me a message or comment! I'm always up for a chat~ ʕ͡ʔ

**[[ I D L E C H A T T E R ]]**

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rainykitty Report | 02/09/2015 1:30 am
Thankkkk youuu bebbbb~~ emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_kirakira
Ecliptic Majest Report | 01/08/2015 2:11 am
Kyahhhh! Your avatar is so ugly <33333
rainykitty Report | 12/21/2014 3:58 am
Kyahhh! You're avatar is sooo cute!!! heart heart
rainykitty Report | 11/26/2014 10:45 pm
I can access gaia but it looks super weird hahahaa :L also sent you a text on line but not too sure if that will work, wifi here is fairly slow hahahaa
rainykitty Report | 11/19/2014 1:21 am
TwT Misss youuuuuuuu!!!! <3 <3 <3

And thank you for the gifttttttttt emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
rainykitty Report | 11/12/2014 2:12 am
Ehehehehee~ emotion_bigheart

Thankkk youuu BBYYYY~
I like yours too! So magical and mysteriousss gurrrlllll~ emotion_dowant And of course. SPARKLES.
rainykitty Report | 11/07/2014 6:28 am
Yeahhhhh gurlllll. IT"S AMAZING.


Check your phone for messages xD
rainykitty Report | 10/20/2014 5:08 pm
Heheee, thankkk youuu~ It took foreverrrrr xD I'm still trying to figure out which hairstyle it looks best with :L
rainykitty Report | 10/19/2014 3:56 am
And BBBBYYYY thank you for your amaazinggg gift too! >w<
You should've kept it for yourself though!!!
rainykitty Report | 10/19/2014 3:55 am
ERMGAD. I finally got my Sainte Ciel: Agape! xD

**[[ S I G N H E R E ]]**

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