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Chris Talespinner

Bardic Inspiration's avatar

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Bard's Song (not Chris's song)

The Best Bard of Verbabonc

Chris Talespinner

Bard of Verbabonc (from the realm of Greyhawk)

Age: 26
Birthday: March 28th (on Gaia, in Greyhawk, just understood to be in spring)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Light Brown
Skin: Pale
Height: 5ft. 1in.
Weight: 152lbs
Deity: Dalt (CG God of Locks, Keys and Portals)
Instrument: Lyre and Voice
Secondaries: String
Tertiary: Dance
Race: Rhennee Human (Half dragon: Tome Dragon)
Affiliates: The Riverwalk Society, Dilettante Level (Bardic College)

D&D Stats
STR: 12 ( 1)
DEX: 14 ( 2)
CON: 12 ( 1)
INT: 14 ( 2)
WIS: 8 (-1)
CHA: 16 ( 3)

Short but fairly nimble and strong enough to wield her longsword, Chris is a bard from Verbabonc, in the world of Greyhawk. She has shining curious green eyes and a mess of hair with ribbons tied throughout. Her typical outfit consists of a long sleeve low cut white shirt, bodice, multicolored skirt with traveling pants underneath as well as smuggler's boots on her feet. She's beautiful, with a natural beauty befitting a bard and energy to spare, not large distracting breasts but not ones to be laughed at either. Most of her looks come from her father's side of the family. She's said to have her great grandfather's eyes as well as his singing voice.
Temporary markings: Has some dwarven markings on her left cheek, right cheek and forehead. Runes that will aide her in battle and combat, and if she meets certain dwarven clerics, heal better.

Not one with the most common sense, but knowledgeable in all sorts of facts and tales and tidbits gathered from her travels. Cheerful and full of life, she always loves to learn a new story or song. She hardly ever becomes depressed or down and always tries to smile. Once she gives her word, she will do her best to fulfill it, as she doesn't want to let anyone down. Though she's very naive on real life at times, she attempts to learn it as best she can. (She's knows more about her life at home than here on Gaia) She's intelligent, but not wise.

She never does things haphazardly or half assed. Well, maybe a little. She has book smarts, not street smarts. And she is quite a bit of a bookworm as well, always checking out plenty of books from the library where she works as well as tracking down used book stores when she can to see if there's a book or two she'd want to get.

She follows Dalt's Mantra extensively, when one door closes, one lock can't be picked, she always attempts to find another.
Confront obstacles from different angles until a solution presents itself.
She is now a True Believer of Dalt. This means she can use relics of her deity if she finds them and she gets a bonus on a saving throw everyday when she is required to make one should she chose to use it. It also is a major affirmation of her belief in her deity, and it is hard to shake her belief in Dalt.

To her, there is usually nothing better than a good stout ale and a new song. Or hitting a tavern and singing bar songs with the patrons to her is also a good time. If she has friends, she'll hang around them as often as she can. She is always one for good company.

When it comes to romance, once she gives her heart, nothing holds her back and she pours herself into the relationship. Of course, there is no proof of it prior to her coming to Gaia as she's never had time to fall in love, much less have a crush on another, as she was always on the move.
Orientation: Bi

Gaian/Short History:
God... I have to do these for 5 charries. D8 Though I know others have more too...these are just...lots to them. Well... Kate and Craig won't be getting much of one, but Kat and Chris will. Vikki too. RAWR. >.>

Evolving items she's raised/raising via RP:
Sweet little sugar puff who can create cupcakes and sugar, usually a little bit of flower is offered to create the cupcakes, but she can decorate them how she wants. Always smells of sweets and is rather mischievous.

If the Fae needs classification, she's definitely a Seelie Fae. However as an evo item doesn't have much attention paid to her and doesn't much care to get involved in those politics. As Chris was the one who raised her, it'll be Chris they have to talk to first, and Chris doesn't really trust the Fae. This does not grant her any sort of Feytouched template.

A young imp who was raised by Chris who loves Chocolate, his favorite food. Though he stammers when he talks, he's trying to study and break out on his own to make his mom proud. He's renamed himself Argento.

Likes studying history books.

[Fallen Wish]
A dragon/star that hit Chris on the head, she raised to full dragon hood. Now with a female humanlike form, her and Gimpi can be seen wandering together as they're both trying to learn about the world. She's renamed herself Requiem.

Fantasy books of all sorts interest her, as well as magic books and books from Chris's world. She's also started to take an interest in crafts.

[Death Whisper] [kinda]
Its stuck in a locked box somewhere in Chris's apartment. She hasn't gone near it since she did so. Its rumored the TV remote is stuck in the same box. Get the key and enter at own risk.

[Anima Adamentia]
The anima has evolved into a blue haired glasses earing busty butt lady. She has an innate ability to record things, and can playback whatever is requested, you just have to have a description of what you're looking for in the timespan of what she's recorded. She has a perfect memory and can't loose any of them. (Though the mun might need reminders) However, there are times when she pulls a blonde moment and ends up switching the recordings on accident, so watch out.

[Diapered Egg]
The little impling follows Argento around when she feels like it. Sometimes changes to a cherub to look more innocent and not set things on fire.

[Yamaya's Pearl]
She's raising Moon Jellies! How cute! Of course... now it looks like a weird critter.

[Gogh Reed] x2
She received this mysterious fruit in the mail one day, two actually, and now is raising a pair of chameleons. They are cute though, and quite colorful. They typically stay in fox or chameleon form.

[Reve Roulie]
These mysterious toys she happened to pick up one day, which turned into clothes, and now currently sit as toys. She rather likes them, however they are quite active. A woman sometimes appears in her apartment floating around, she has no clue who she is... Madame something...

[Sidehe Compass]

A baby wyvern that Chris found trembling under the table. Its extremely protective and fierce, and doesn't like anyone getting close to his mama daddy for some reason. Can understand English/Common but is unable to speak full words himself. Its possible he was forced out of his egg early, or tortured by bandits, which might suggest why he's hostile to certain people more than others.

[Other items]
The EIs of Gaia seem to like latching onto her and doing odd things to her. Since there's so many of them now... listing them all and their specific things is kinda hard. Its noted where its important, and anything else will be noted in RP posts. Questions, just ask.


View Journal

Bardic Voices

Journal for Chris Talespinner, bard of Verbabonc Mostly going to be songs sung, profile updates Mod stories of her being awesome.


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Chief Sankofa Report | 01/07/2016 10:21 am
Chief Sankofa
-Snugs yo face-
Chief Sankofa Report | 01/07/2016 9:54 am
Chief Sankofa
-Stalks- 3nodding
Mars-San Report | 12/17/2015 9:01 am
Well, yeah! xd
Mars-San Report | 12/16/2015 8:05 pm
NOW you've got my attention. rofl
Mars-San Report | 12/10/2015 7:17 pm
"Come back! I just want to catch yooou!"

Mars-San Report | 12/05/2015 3:08 pm
If the inn DID go into space, Mars would be so confused as to how all of her toys got on the celing. xd
Mars-San Report | 11/22/2015 8:44 pm
Well, I just got done watching Inside Out with my mom.

Mental note to self...bring tissue box next time. rofl
Mars-San Report | 11/22/2015 8:11 pm
Mars: *pokes head in* Anybody home?
marshmallowcreampie Report | 05/22/2015 5:31 pm
Ignore that last comment, I accidentally posted on the wrong profile. Sorry!
marshmallowcreampie Report | 05/22/2015 5:24 pm
I sent you a trade, but I know sometimes the site doesn't notify.


I will sing you to me.
But will you listen?
[b:2981d05b0e][i:2981d05b0e]Where are you?[/i:2981d05b0e][/b:2981d05b0e]
Half Tome Dragon/Half Rhennee Bard
Etsy Shop
LPer in training



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