My WaLl of RanDoMness - xP~
Yello, I'm -BeLoVed Skiesx3-. xD ~ My WALL- Live, .....Life's SO sweet. <3~`Do OnE tHiNg tHat ScAReS YoU EvEryDaY~..... Laugh, ....."Successful
people replace the words "I should" and "I wish" with.. Love! <3 ..... "I will". Ineffected people don't"~ XP My Friends R AwEsOmE! ---- [x .............. `GrOw Ur CoUraGe, gRow Ur NErVe! FaCe Ur FEARS && CoNQuEr THeM. GRoW Ur SkiLL, GrOW Ur SiR GaLlaHAd-NEsS. GRoW sOmE CRaZY mOnKEy NinjA MOjo & HuNcK the HoNKin' FaT SEARY.` - ***DiG dEeP><> **FeEL GrEAt<><> .... /LiVe LIFE 2 Da FuLl!/ ..... 40% Happy ------ CLoCks ticking ------ 60% Love --------- SmiLe!!! ------ && 99% Awesome ------- DoN't WoRry, Be HaPpY! PiP,piP, ChErIO's! --- LiFe is AWESOME. *[This wall... -BeLoVed Skiesx3-!] ......... {Bye BYE!~ <3 --- XD} Hf.
Da Comments! xP