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mental angel

mental angel's avatar

Registered: 05/12/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/11


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This is my role playing character

Vampire Age:115
Body: muscular,the chest area is rather big
Hair:shoulder length,razered,black
Eyes:deep emerald green that change to black when i'm angry or hungry.
Special characteristics:a tattoo of the pagan star on my wrist,a tattoo of the word vampire in Japanese on my back.A scar at the base of my neck from where my neck was slit in the only fight I has ever lost.

Character Personality:dark, keeps to herself but is willing to work with people if it is completely necessary.A romantic, believes that there can be good people in the world but most of us are bad to the core.Loves danger and bad boys,Thinks biting is sexy and vampires are amazing.Hates those who think that vampires are just creatures of fear.

Character History:Was born in New York and was biten when she was in High School,Her father was never around and her mother was young,She had one brother that she would always look after.Betrayed by her friends so she isolated herself until night time then she would go out to parties and find her prey for the night she never killed anyone and one of those prey she fell in love with,one night she was watching over him and he got in some trouble,he was badly injured and she knew she had to do something but for the first time in almost 100 years she was afraid,she was afraid that she would loose him so she took a chance and bit him like she had been bitten so many years ago, she bit him and he became what she is.His wounds heeled but he was not grateful to her, he didn't love her so he left her,that was 5 years ago and ever since then she has walk, stalked, hunted, and lived alone.

Likes:blood,love,the night,bad boys,pain,biting,black,destiny,rock music,and evil

Dislikes:god,and women

Weapons:fists,claws,teeth,and a knife with fenris the wolf god on it

Abilities:mind control,mind reading,lightning fast speed,fine tuned hearing,sight, and smell.

Robes (clothing):black jeans,Black low cut tank top,leather jacket,three inch high heel black thigh high boots,silver upper arm bracelet, silver Gothic cross,black spiked choker,and one black leather bracelet on each wrist.

Goals:find true love,stay alive,keep my secret secret,and keep my morals in tact.

Motive for Goals:most vampires have no morals,i thought i had found my love but no

Extra info: (or forgotten stuff): rides a motorcycle,my back tattoo was done before i was bitten.The fight I lost was with the man that changed me.I fought with him because he thought he could controle me.Later i fought him again and won,and after i won i took his powers as my own.

giving p doesn't always mean you're weak, sometimes it means you're just strong enough to let go


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SakuraNMitsuki Report | 10/21/2010 3:58 pm
look who found me XD
Sateraa Report | 06/28/2010 7:03 pm
Wow, that's a long list. o.e
mental angel Report | 06/28/2010 3:29 pm
mental angel
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copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
SceneKitty88 Report | 10/10/2009 5:05 pm
you do?... ty!
SceneKitty88 Report | 10/10/2009 5:04 pm
you do?... ty!
musik4love Report | 09/13/2009 7:07 pm
Angellant 2 Report | 02/22/2009 4:38 pm
Angellant 2
nicce to meet u cora
Angellant 2 Report | 02/22/2009 4:38 pm
Angellant 2
nicce to meet u cora
x-Katie-Kupcakes Report | 02/22/2009 3:41 pm
x-Katie-Kupcakes Report | 02/11/2009 6:54 pm
haha nice sig!!! love it!!♥♥♥


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I am the mental angel the one who haunts the dreams of phycos

This angel is really a vampire and I'm not afraid to bite

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