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tennis_fairy's avatar

Last Login: 09/03/2011 8:47 am

Gender: Female

Location: southern minnesota

Birthday: 04/09


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LadyBherd Report | 09/08/2009 1:07 pm
the last day of the month is when we get to use the remainder of our cap! (without worrying)
we only have 3gig a month
LadyBherd Report | 07/12/2009 9:27 am
he's forgotten the gaian world, as have i! haha, but on the last day of the month, if i remember, i'll gaia properly!
Woodlark Report | 01/23/2009 7:07 pm
A sweaty jock-strap?
Gee....thanks. I didn't realize you cared so very much. Ha ha.
Woodlark Report | 01/14/2009 9:44 pm
Might I have my hair and skin back por favor?
-Elemental Hair
-Superior Form...

Please & Thank you!

LadyBherd Report | 01/06/2009 10:33 am
you know... you are still allowed on facebook.. both firebherd and i have written you essays on spanish 101! razz
so now it's your turn! smile bwahaha
LadyBherd Report | 12/28/2008 1:43 pm
hey! been i while since i've visited gaia! thanks for the concern, hehe, but as you've already seen, i'm back now! smile
FireBeatle Report | 11/20/2008 12:06 pm
Haha! Lol Stupid colons!
Anyway, I wish it would snow here just once! I have never had to live in snow, and I really want too! Just for two or three seasons...
I have only touched snow twice, the one time a few years back in Switzerland, and the other earlier this year, when we went skiing in the Drakensburg. I want to experience waking up and finding everything covered in snow! And secondly, I want to feel snow land on my face! I haven't ever stood in snow!

There that seems to be more than two words! razz

Sounds kinda funny, the whole thing about the pirate! haha. I'm glad your in a good mood! I'm also in a very happy mood since all of my terrible exams are over, including chemistry! But let me not bore you twice with my schoolwork!

Anyway, nice hearing from you again! ttyl!

Woodlark Report | 10/31/2008 2:26 pm
A trade of course, my dear....
Woodlark Report | 09/19/2008 4:19 pm
Might I get my stuff back, sister dear?
The hair, skin & eyes please?
Woodlark Report | 08/25/2008 8:46 pm
College is college....
and life is life...
I made myself eggs and zucchini tonight (Monday)

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I'm pretty much a really random Christian. I love playing tennis, counted cross-stitch sewing, and making smores. Creating smoothies is fun too. I am in marching band, playing the marching French Horn, and our marching band routine this year is really hard....we're playing music from King Kong, and we went to New York and Boston for the band trip, and it was totally fun! I'm really into choir and jazz choir. I love describing things as "crazy wicked awesome". I'm a total drama geek, but like most of my crazy drama friends, get sick of the show until we actually have an audience. I have been in 8 of my school's drama productions and I plan to be in at least 2 more (but most likely 3). Here's the list if anyone's interested: freshman year - I played Grace O'Malley the pirate in Treasure Island, and I was a passenger/off-stage voice in Anything Goes. Sophmore year - I played the Undertaker's Woman in A Christmas Carol, Moth the fairy in the school One Act (A Midsummer Night's Dream), and I was Mrs. Ewart Dunlop (one of the gossiping old biddy's) in The Music Man. Junior year - I played a salt shaker/the evil insane asylum lady (Madame de'Arque) in Beauty and the Beast, Katherina the Shrew/Ursula the handmaid/Heidi (one of the narrators) in the school One Act (With Love, Shakespear), and I was Widow Aged in Dirty Work in High Places. Well, that's all of them! Anyways, enough about drama: I love my crazy friends! Another thing about me...I don't at all! I have sworn like less that 20 times in my life, and none of those slips of the tonge have happened for at least 2 years. I really don't take it well when people swear at me, so please don't do it! Ummmm....I'm in yearbook, and I enjoy it. I work at Dairy Queen, which isn't the best job, but it's something. Well, that's all for now. Ta ta!

Dream Avi

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iMe gusta mi pelo!

We are Space Girls! Rockin' to the moon! We are Space Girls! Look out Venus, we'll be comin' soon!!! ~ Lyrics for the opening song for Junior Miss...

"I have seen the world...and it is NOT made of sugar cake..." ~ Quote by my brother Joe...

"Once there was a little plane..." ~ Quote by family friend, Robert...I love that made me laugh so hard I cried!
