About moi
I am a major otaku. I love anime. I have cosplayed at Nekocon 2008 and am currently planning for Katsucon and Otakon in 2009. My favorite anime is Naruto, closely followed by Deathnote, Kingdom Hearts, Cowboy Bebop, Kuroshitsuji, and Code Geass. In that order.I love the Akatsuki beyond belief. I am a registered Akatsukitard, specializing in the Hidan Fandom and Deidaraholics Anonymous areas. i liek y801. :3
Um...I'm lazy and I draw way too much. Mostly fanart. I'm so unoriginal. (-_-; wink
I spend most of my free time surfing Youtube, watching Shippuuden, making fun of something or other, eating sugary foods, and sleeping. Like I said, lazy. Because being athletic and sporty is too troublesome.
Not that I'm like some 2000-pound titan who hasn't gotten out of bed since 1997. I'm actually pretty skinny. I just don't like...exercise. I'm not that athletic. Or coordinated. Hell, I've been known to trip over my own pants. Balance is not known to Noki.
...Currently making a Mello vest for mehself. If you have any tips, please tell me because this is really hard. TT__TT

Total Value: 310,620 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wine Gothic Bat Boots
Midnight Gothic Bat Trousers
Navy Black Checkered Hoodie
CoCo Kitty Plushie