
ashleyanemia's avatar

Last Login: 08/19/2009 2:08 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/18

Occupation: Highschooler.

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Sketchy Desh Report | 02/24/2010 5:51 am
hi ^^
emotionalymotivatedoutput Report | 02/24/2010 5:39 am
hi...thx for the add...but uhh...i dont use this account can add my other account instead [kadeblack13]
and uhh...thx again

Signature </3

The lips of our fate will become the ones of your loss and my relief. I'm dying just to tell you, I'm in love. <3

AshleyAnemia </3

Ahhh, Whell.
The name's Ashley and I'm 15.
I'm 5'2'' and I have brown, blonde, and black hair. I also have blue, green and grey-ish eyes. (:
I love most genres of music and I'm typically weird.
Bright and dark colours are great to me.
I'm pretty easy to get along with and it's very easy to make me smile.
Pick up lines, make my day. Try a few?
I collect Hello Kitty and I'm on the computer way to much.
I tend to be labeled scene/emo. It doesn't bother me. If you have a problem with the way I dress, how I do my hair and stuff. It's all cool. I'm not conceited, and it's just a label based on trends. You can get the right to hate me, AFTER you know me. Not just by how I look. Thanks.
But I do take more of an interest into scene/emo guys. Judge me? Go ahead.
I generally love hugs from anyone and photography is one of my hobbies.
I write poetry that is usually tragic. Gore is pretty cool too.
I get aggrivated somewhat easily and I'm more forgiving than most.
I'll always try to be your friend. I like to RP, a lot. (:
I talk a lot, and I fan girl, so excuse me for this. ;D
I've always wanted to dance in the rain with a special someone.

MYSPACE: 188584395

Music <3

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

I'll Cut Your Heart Out

With The Shattered

Remains of Mine.