Late up night when all the world...Is sleepin, I stay up and think of you...
And I STILL can't believe...that you came up to me and said
"I love you..."
"I love you too."
I've been dreamin, of YOU tonight, til tomorrow..
And there's nowhere in the world, I'd rather beeee...
Then here in my room..
dreamin about--I'll be dreamin..
Of you...tonight..
`itz all ab0ut meh!,
by misshk
Name ::: Bri-Bri! Brianna
Last Name ::: Nonya business! D:<
Nickname ::: Bri-Bri
Birthplace ::: AZ <3
Birthday ::: May 1st =3
Location ::: USA ;]
Hometown ::: Beaver Damm. ._.;
Nationality ::: o: Catholic? =3
Lefty or Righty ::: Lefty T.T
Hair Colour ::: I dye it all the time 8D
Eye Clolour ::: o.e; its an ugly color. =/
Zodiac Sign ::: Taurus
Number ::: Umm...62 o:
Season ::: Winter
Place ::: SIXFLAGS! D:
Colour ::: Pink, white, crimson
Style ::: Uhh?
T.V Show ::: Survivor, && Family Guy. =3
Movie ::: THe Devil's Rejects <3
Music ::: ALOT
Animal ::: Platypus! D:
`This or That,
Animal Lover or Hater ??: LOVER!
Curly or Straight Hair ??: Lawl both 8D
Mobile or Internet ??: INternet bish D;
Mcdonalds or KFC ??: Pizza Hut! D:<
Hanging out or Sleeping ??: Both =3
Lover or Fighter??: Both D:
Junky or Healty food ??: o.o both ;D
`?? Questions ?? ,
Do you like to Dance ??: YES!
Do you believe in God ??: idk >>
What are your Fears ??: Insects, and clowns...sometimes D:
Are you in Love ??: Nuh, i hate love. >>
What were your Past Mistakes ??: Oh God o.o;
Would you like to Correct you past mistakes ??: YES! T.T
Whose your favorite Cartoon Characters ??: Uhh...._.;
Who are your Bestfriends ??: irl, CHELSEA! <3 gaia: on my pro
Who are you Close Friends ??: irl: Chelsea, Brian and Frankie. Gaia: Pro
Who is the loudest among all ??: Chelsea o.e; Gaia: Alot O_O
Who have you known the longest ??: Chelsea bish! D:< and gaia: Oreo Flavored Cookie x3
Who is the shyest ??: None, none
Werid Friend ??: Are cool! D:
Annoying Friend ??: Annoying friend? Makes no sense o.o
Cutest Friend ??: AWW IDK! biggrin
Funniest Friend ??: Alot o.e;
Which Friend stays quite all the time ??: You spelled quiet wrong. <.<
Who Cries the most ??: MEEEE! D;
Who is always happy ??: MEEE! =D
What never shows their pain ??: Ohh all my guy friends. -.-
What do they call you ??: Bri for the last GODDAMN TIME c:
Do you believe in love at first sight ??: Kinda o.e
Any Longest Relationship ??: Yeah, lastet three years.
Would you go with someone just for their money ??: NOO! D:<
Kiss on the first date ??: At the ned, yes
Would you go on their Looks ??: 50% matters >>
Where would you go on your first date ??: Somewhere.
Are you Single ??: Yush
Who are you dating ??: A person o.o;
` Random Questions ,
Do you Drink ??: Sometimes.
Do you smoke ??: Sometimes...when im STRESSED.
Do you love shopping ??: HELLZ YEAH!
Do you believe in yourself ??: Not really. >>
Ever got into a fight ??: Yup =/
What you want to be when yo grow up ??: Model/writer
Did you ever broke someone's heart ??: Yaa =/
Did anyone break your heart ??: Yaa =/
Do you love clubbing ??: YES!
Do you love reading books ??: No >0>;
What's your last wish before you die! and how would you want to die ??: For someone to say what they mean =/ and my wish...is not die? o.e;
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You stay on gaia don't you leave me here alone again. D':