Daichi kuroshio

Daichi kuroshio's avatar

Registered: 02/06/2009

Gender: Male

Location: Ireland

Birthday: 03/31

Occupation: Student.....>.>


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Hey, so I'm lost for words as to what to say here.... I'm not so good with words and have yet to find a good way of expressing myself....
I'm 17, I live in Ireland, I have a little sister who drives me crazy, a dog called Inuyasha and a fish named Pete....
I love anime/manga/video games and music.
That's me....



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Trail_Mix14 Report | 04/25/2009 8:18 pm
Hey, I just realized that I dont comment you or PM you so here I am commenting you...and that sounded lame but im kinda lame...im gonna stop typing now, so later!
Trail_Mix14 Report | 04/01/2009 10:30 am
No problem smile
Trail_Mix14 Report | 03/30/2009 1:23 pm
Happy Birthday...tomorrow!! smile
i-sweetangelof1993 Report | 03/30/2009 12:16 pm
Hey there, this is sweetangelof1993. I noticed that you are one of my fans in the art arena or you have favorited my art in the past so I just thought I'd send you a comment informing you that this is now my new account. Some of you may know me as pudding_cak3, wunie, wunie-la, iwunie, iwunie-la, wuni3; these are all past gaia accounts of mine that have been fasley banned A few days ago, I was trying to sign on gaia and I was told I was banned. I sent an email to gaia asking why I was banned and their response was:
> Subject: [Gaia Ticket #366810] [General] General Inquiry From
> From: inquiry@gaiaonline.com
> To: tuna_ann@hotmail.com
> Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 15:43:24 -0700
> Hello there,
> It appears as if your Gaia Online account has been banned for a very serious
> violation of our Terms of Service agreement:
> Art theft/ copied artwork
> Per our standard moderation practice, your account will remain permanently
> banned.
> Thanks for writing,
> -Gaia Customer Support

I wrote back to them saying:
> Subject: [Gaia Ticket #366810] [General] General Inquiry From
> From: tuna_ann@hotmail.com
> To: inquiry@gaiaonline.com
>Please tell me what I "stole". I have stolen nothing, thank you very much. All my art is mine and is found at sweetangelof1993.deviantart.com.
>I'm tired of you guys falsely accusing me of art theft and other stuff I never even did. I can prove that I'm innocent, and I have supporters. This is EXTREMELY unfair. You're ruining gaia.

I'm waiting for a response still as to what I stole. >.>;;

This will be the 7th time gaia has fasley banned my account, so I'm really upset about this. I'm requesting that gaia unban sweetangelof1993 but I doubt they will unless I have a ton of proof to prove my innosence and if I have support from friends, fans, and fellow gaians. If gaia does not unban my account, I will start a petition and work to have it unbanned. I'm not asking for items or donations, I'm simply asking for support if I do happen to make a petition thread. Until then, this is my new account and I'll be ,slowly but surely, moving all my artwork onto this account. ^^
Trail_Mix14 Report | 03/05/2009 10:30 am
I know exactly how that feels!!
Trail_Mix14 Report | 03/04/2009 8:36 pm
they pushed her"

carmen winstead was pushed down a sewer opening by 5 girls in her school trying to embaress her infront of her school during a fire drill.

when she didnt submerge the police were called.

they went down and brought up 17 yr old carmen winstead's body, her neck broken from hitting the ladder, and then the side concrete at the bottom.

the girls told everyone one she fell...and they believed them.


2 months ago 16 yr old david gregory read this post and didnt repost it.

when he went to take a shower, he heard laughter from his shower.

he started freaking out and ran to his computer to repost it.

he said goodnite to his mom and then went to bed.

5 hours later his mom woke up in the middle of the nite cause of a loud noise.

david was gone.

that morning a few hours later the police found him in the sewer, his neck broken and the skin peeled from his face.

even google her name, you'll find this to be true.

if u dont repost this saying "they pushed her"

then carmen will get you, either from sewer,toilet,shower, or when u sleep u'll wake up in a sewer in the dark, then carmen will come or you.

send thi to 10 ppl by midnite or carmen will come for you.

im sooooo sorry about this! and please dont paste this on to mine!!!