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Gender: Male

Birthday: 12/01/1992


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I am a gamer. I love games. I play them a lot.


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junegirl22 Report | 08/16/2009 10:28 am
mines really plain. urs is awesome.
junegirl22 Report | 08/16/2009 10:25 am
nice avi
- x FallingForward x - Report | 07/29/2009 5:20 pm
- x FallingForward x -
Hey!!! Your on!!! Thanks.
I love it when it's all humid and the sky turns gray with clouds. It's sooo nice. And then, to feel the rain on my face, it's like I want to stay there forever.
- x FallingForward x - Report | 07/29/2009 5:04 pm
- x FallingForward x -
I'm good, Im accually stumped. I came up with this really good line, and I have no idea what to write with it. It's perfect to me. It describe what I think the sky does when it's raining. Rain is my favorite weather...
- x FallingForward x - Report | 07/28/2009 8:44 pm
- x FallingForward x -
Yeah...I know. I miss talking to you D, But guess what?!?! My dad fixed his old laptop and gave it to me! (even though he said if i broke the last one I wasn't getting another one. I'm a a spoiled child.) I can get one Wayyyyyy more!!! biggrin biggrin So what's up with you?? (WoW! This is one really long comment....Te-he)
AkumuAssassin Report | 07/25/2009 1:10 pm
thx for buying
queen of eccentricity Report | 07/25/2009 1:02 pm
queen of eccentricity
thank yous so much for the buy :]]
ll P a n d y B e a r ll Report | 07/25/2009 12:39 pm
ll P a n d y B e a r ll
Thnax for buying from ll P a n d y B e a r ll 's shop
- x FallingForward x - Report | 07/20/2009 1:11 pm
- x FallingForward x -
Awwwwwsss!!! You better feel better ;D Or I'll be the one shanking you next time!
- x FallingForward x - Report | 07/20/2009 11:46 am
- x FallingForward x -
Awwwwww!!!! Did it hwurt?? D;


Loves the Eggy plz.



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