Pain is an illusion of the senses;
Despair an illusion of the mind.
Pity is the most dangerous of emotions.
Vengeance the purest.
Pain is an illusion of the senses;
Despair an illusion of the mind.
Pity is the most dangerous of emotions.
Vengeance the purest.
Last Login: 03/22/2018 10:25 am
Registered: 04/10/2009
Gender: Male
Location: Texas
Birthday: 08/02/1989
Occupation: Personal Trainer/Bouncer
My contact with the outside world now-a-days infrequent computer use and bad situation with living arrangements make this the prime way to follow me.
is an awesome person who bought most my gear for my avi :D
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also...i will MAKE u sing karaoke with me D<
for 2 years ive been getting repeatedly sick with the same problems, so finally someone figured it out.
hey if u want to keep talking you can text me, im logging off.
im just waiting until i get tonsils removed then everything will become busy again.
i feel like i wanna sleep all day.
theres nothing to do with anyone.
hanging out with ur mom gets old....
also i have no friends smile ....
time goes so slow anymore...
i would love to get outside but the heat is just ridiculous...
but i cant complain, it was free lol