--Real Pinkamena Pie--

--Real Pinkamena Pie--'s avatar

Last Login: 05/06/2012 9:20 am

Gender: Female


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Current obsession: Ponies, Zelda, and dark ambience music.

I am an annoying, derpy, lovable, hatable, machine washable (but hang-dry, and no bleach), fluffy, cuddly, angry, hyper, slow, psychopathic, clowny, wonky, fun, depressing, morbid, nocturnal, snorgley, sparkley, sleepy, dressable, brushable, dykeish, russian, scottish, czeck, swiss, bilingual, bisexual, binocular, biboobular, tubular, nerdy, smart, dumb, cold, dorky, redonkulous, awkward, loud, swear-prone, sacriligeous, blasphemous, metal-headed, headbangin, bass-thumpin, roleplayin, conventioneering, artistic, ballistic, rhyme-prone, tubthumpin', wisecrackin', stupid, terrible, heretic, new-age, old-fashioned, clown-lovin, creative, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, nihilistic, contagious, creepy-a** goth-juggalette hybrid chick sittin in the corner of class drawing naked women.

In addition to ICP, I am a big fan of Voltaire, Flobots, SOAD, Serj Tankian, GWAR, Jonathan Coulton, Creature Feature/ Rufus Rex, Cradle of Filth, Rammstein, Igorrr, and other s**t. just ask, bro.

Yes, I like marilyn manson, too. sue me.

I fight, swear, climb trees, play in traffic, run with scissors, look at girlie mags, play with matches, and everything else yer mama told you not to do.

I like guns. oh boy, do I like guns.

and knives and swords and anything stabby or shooty or sharp-y and dangerous to run with.

I'm a gamerbitch. I can ******** pwn you at any ******** game.

I still play pokemon, bro.

I don't watch anime anymore. there just aren't any that interest me. I do, however, still collect manga. Especially anything by Junji Ito or Suehiro Maruo.

I love animals, but not in a furfag way. My current favorites are California Condors, Hyenas, Sphynx cats, Skunks, bearded dragons, crows, Dobermans and jumping spiders.

Call me whatever you want. I answer to pretty much anything that's thrown in my direction.

I change my avatar and name constantly. calm your tits.


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sometimes, i write stuff. 'course, only my life stuff will be here. no fanfics for you. they all violate the TOS, and your mind.



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Ms Magius Report | 03/11/2012 4:20 pm
Ms Magius
Heh true dat!!!!! whee

By the way... you seem to have gotten cherry jam everywhere. Probably from making that tasty looking cupcake I bet. Just so yknow! ninja
Ms Magius Report | 02/29/2012 2:23 am
Ms Magius
You're the real Pinkamena?


I'm the real Pinkamena! ...I'm so confused. crying
Kuyote the Fool Report | 02/17/2012 2:27 am
Kuyote the Fool
Awesome taste in music! Rarely see anyone mentioning Voltaire and Creature feature. ******** the haters, MCL
Jacob Aurastorm Report | 02/02/2012 1:07 pm
Jacob Aurastorm
I printed it out and cut out all but the poem and "do me a favor and pass a message on to Michael Anderson, from anonymous."
I don't see him every day, sooooo... I'll tell you if there's a serious reaction.
Jacob Aurastorm Report | 02/02/2012 1:02 pm
Jacob Aurastorm
I've got a pwip that i wanted to show you
but you got expelled
and i just found out.
Jacob Aurastorm Report | 02/02/2012 12:53 pm
Jacob Aurastorm
I've got a pwip that i wanted to show you
but you got expelled
and i just found out.
Jacob Aurastorm Report | 02/02/2012 12:13 pm
Jacob Aurastorm
Aww. Sorry to hear you got expelled.
I miss your crazy ;(
I think i'll pass on that poem, cuz Idk if he has a FB acct.
I forgot how awesome you were.
Aaaanyway, I'll see if I can get on gaia to talk 2 u more often. If not, then seez ya when i seez ya.
Jacob Aurastorm Report | 02/02/2012 11:56 am
Jacob Aurastorm
You've been suspended so long I think I forgot your name.
But that doesn't matter. >_>
How have you been doing?
And how long is the suspension gonna last till?
Meme Mage Report | 01/24/2012 9:21 pm
Meme Mage
Meme Mage Report | 01/24/2012 9:16 pm
Meme Mage


(My heart pretty much holds a monopoly on rainbows.)

LD's official giver of the worst advice imaginable.


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