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Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/24

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Name: Ashley Stewart
Age: 20

My Art: Deviantart

Likes: Reading, studying different cultures, drawing/sketching/painting, art (as in going to art museums), crafts (sewing, scrap-booking...), cats & foxes (for the cute and the cunning), wondering around in the woods, and reading durarara fanfictions.
Dislikes: Talking on the phone, spiders, and close-minded idiots (also included are racist, sexist, and homophobic idiots)

Personality: I tend to be shy, but I'm rather ...passionate when conveying what I believe. I love to read, my favorite being murder-mystery novels, followed closely by adventure manga. I absolutely LOVE to draw! So far I've taught myself everything, but I'm thinking of taking art classes in the future. I'm a fan of Cosplay, though I don't do it often it's always fun. I am always drawn to myths, and I believe in a lot of things, such as seers. I believe that there is a higher power, though I don't follow any type of god. I believe that no religion is better or worse then another, but that if you feel it's what you should be doing then your right to do it. I do believe in reincarnation, as humans, plants, or animals. And while I'm at it, I'll let you know that I see absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. Everything is on a person by person bases for me- whether someone is attractive or not, or if I love/could love them depends on the person, and not on whether it's a boy or girl. If you don't know enough about me yet then your crazy~


~*~My DeviantART~*~
3nodding I'll give you a Llama if you let me know you're from Gaia 3nodding


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White Rave Dragon Report | 05/01/2010 12:19 am
White Rave Dragon
thanks for buying. :3
desert-fish Report | 11/11/2009 3:14 pm
thanks! s2
desert-fish Report | 11/11/2009 3:08 pm
thanks for the buy! <3
ArebornAngel Report | 11/11/2009 11:51 am


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CrimsonKitsune90 ~ Art Blog

Something like an art journal. For info on my art and commission, and to actually show what I'm doing with my art.