A-ya Halloway -Original-

A-ya Halloway -Original-'s avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/08/1994


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I'm just going to jump in and start talking, OK?

You can call me A-ya and I'm 16 years old. I have two sisters one older (18 ) and one younger (13). And let me tell you being the middle child is no picnic. my little sister has an account here and her name is Lili.

I'm not usally a big talker so dont expect me to talk that often, and I'm a bit of a slow typer and sometimes me gramer is bad, no commenting on it please. (Yes that's a joke) That goes for if you read my poems or my short stories. If you want to find me I'm mostly on Rps in the school section/private Rps, or sometimes on the aquarium forum, or on Zomg.

If I don't like you I will let you know. you get no word games from me. I'm honest to a fault and perfer to spend my time and money on books and my computer games. I obbess over my games. My current major obession is Zelda and the Orcarina of Time.

I like to make things interesting so sometimes I will do or say stupid things for the hell of it. Yes, I will cuss if I think that's where a cuss word belongs or if I think it's going to get a laugh.

And in case anyone is wondering this used to be a mule account, my real account is Asag-ya-ge. It kinda got banned because someone told gaia that I hacked them when I was the one hacked. So I was going to use this one untill I got my frist account back, but I had done so much on this account by that time, I stayed on this one.

I wasn't looking for a relationship, but I found a guy that I do love more than anything else in my life. As for friendsI will execpt any and all friend requests. 'Cause i love haveing friends. I'm very loyal to all my best friends. unless I dont like you. However, just because you send me a friend request does not mean I'm going to give you free stuff. Or be nice to you if your an a**.

I LOVE SHINY THINGS. It is an obsession how much I love shiny things. I have a whole box of shiny things. Whether it's quarters, rings, clothes, lamps, fairies, crosses, etc. So long as it's a shiny thing i will love it. But sparkling things, I hate.

And I like all colors, except pink. I do not like pink, I will never like pink, anyone whos tries to get me to like pink will be ignored. Though I do like black above all colors.

There is this little thing about being 'gaianborn' and out of curiousity, I looked it up. This is what it saysabout me...

Those gaiaborn under Falcis Piscibus often lead lives of solitude. They prefer to be alone and are quite capable of running their own lives, but cope badly when forced to interact with strangers. They are often highly intellectual, though they don't boast this or demonstrate it in public often. In conversations they tend to stay silent, unless however something catches their eye, in which case they reach in and accurately lock onto it, before going silent again. They can be very patient and forgiving, almost to the point of indolence, but if provoked they can usually come up the victor in any conflict.<---This is very accurate.

Tf there are any questions anyone might have comment on my profile. Or send a nice little PM

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i'm just putting the rps that i make here



View All Comments

OtakuKat Report | 03/05/2015 3:48 pm
Happy Birthday ^^
OtakuKat Report | 03/05/2014 7:06 pm
Hey are you questing anything?
Firanzia-Vice Report | 09/07/2012 12:15 am
cool avi
Carnival of Rust Report | 07/03/2012 4:52 pm
Carnival of Rust
Random panda hugs for joo!! ^.^
x-HesMineForever-x Report | 05/13/2012 4:05 pm
pleace awnser my massage O -O
Kick-a-Hoe Report | 04/21/2012 6:47 pm
THANKS FOR THE BUY :3 enjooy goblin hipster to your fullest
oppa no Report | 03/26/2012 3:48 pm
oppa no
thanks for the buy! emotion_yatta
darjeelings Report | 03/12/2012 2:22 pm
Thanks for buying! ^^
Blademaster Banryu Report | 02/20/2012 8:49 pm
Blademaster Banryu
Hello! I just stopped by to say... Nice avatar. It's neato. Thaaaat is all.... have a nice day.
xscroomsaw Report | 02/13/2012 10:23 pm
You have beautiful avi <3


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