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Smol Kitty Cat

Smol Kitty Cat's avatar

Registered: 01/11/2010

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/05


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Ashley, 19


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A book of all my ranty rants that are too private for facebook! Yaaay! :I


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Twisted_Misery Report | 06/14/2011 1:59 pm
Well I'm glad someone agreed with me :]
Twisted_Misery Report | 06/14/2011 1:43 pm
Thanks for the post tip.
NumberSixZexion Report | 03/14/2011 2:58 pm
Haha! *hugs you* You're goofy, kid.
NumberSixZexion Report | 03/10/2011 6:53 pm
Sick, as I've told you. I hadn't meant to be away so long.
Teto the Chimera Report | 03/05/2011 3:29 pm
Teto the Chimera
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That thing! I wants it!
SexuaI Urgez Report | 02/26/2011 3:31 pm
SexuaI Urgez
Lol, you're too cute! cx Yes, I did. D: I wanted to, you're welcome. :3 I play 4th Bass Drum. How did your best friend react? owo;; -hugs super tightly back- >w<;;;;;;;;;
SexuaI Urgez Report | 02/26/2011 2:07 am
SexuaI Urgez
I am hooome. x.x I'm nearly dead, it's not even funny. Yus, I is in my school Marching Band. xP Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow, then! And, I got you a little something from Disneyland for your b-day when I come to visit you. I'll take a pic tomorrow and show you! x3 I can show you 'cause it's not the only thing I'm getting yooouu. <333 I luzz you more, sweety!!! <33333333333333333333333 I so really missed you today! D: Like, I told my best friend about you and every time I saw your name on a Disneyland Item, I'd go crazy and start missing you immensely. She even thought it was funny and point things that said "Ashley" on them. >wwwwwwww<;;;; I'll talk to you soon, about to die! xD [Sleep] -kisses your cheek as you sleep- <3 Night.
SexuaI Urgez Report | 02/24/2011 11:34 pm
SexuaI Urgez
I just wanted to tell you that I MAY not be on tomorrow because I'm going to Disneyland to perform with my band there. >.< If you're up for it, gimme a call! <3 It'd be nice to hear from you. I'll find some way to text you, if I can. Promise. I luzz you, and I miss you. <333 Take care, and don't miss me TOO much. D: Talk to you Saturday. <33 I'll be on all weekend to pay for my absence. x3 No exceptions. <3333 Night, sweets. :]
SexuaI Urgez Report | 02/20/2011 1:30 pm
SexuaI Urgez
-adds- x3
SexuaI Urgez Report | 02/20/2011 1:26 pm
SexuaI Urgez
YES. Yes, I do. :3 <3 xD


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