
KoteVonKat's avatar

Registered: 08/04/2005

Birthday: 12/12

Occupation: Medic, Research Assistant MD


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Imma tidy this thing up to update stuff and send things to a realm where only memories reside...
Woot peoples! Tis been a while since I´ve last updated this thing!
Currently Im 30. I´m a guy, I love plants, and animals, peoples too, but each has a different kind of love obviously, anyways, I´m a doctor, currently deciding between T&O, Infectious Diseases and Geriatrics.
Well name´s Israel though in real life people call me Zury, and around here people call me Light, just lately people have started to call me Von/Vonny.
I´m not someone you could specifically align into a set of attributes , though I must say, I´m more like a mirror, turns out theres a term for it, social camaleon, I reflect whatever I see, so if you threat me in some way, I´m most surely going to threat you in the same way, and as a gentleman who upholds woman´s rights to be the same as man´s, I do as well uphold that they deserve to be held responsible for what they do and attain themselves to the consequences for I don´t mind genders.
What else could I say? Tanned, Mexican, short, thin, eats a lot, wants to gain some weight finally reached average weight, I love a lot of colors, my main favorites are green, red, white, black, purple and silver.
I think if you want to know anything else you should get to know me by talking to me so I´m going to leave it at that. Til then~

Pues ya me presenté en inglés, ahora me presentaré en español, mi nombre es Israel, me dicen Zury, pero aquí en Gaia me conocen como Light, Litex, Gato, Señor Kotesko y los que hablan en inglés últimamente me han llamado Adler por razones desconocidas para mí.
Tengo 30, varón, guapo, sexy, dos metros, fornido, cuerpo escultural... ok no heheps.
Quiero ser médico infectólogo, geriatra o traumatologo
Ummm me gustan muchos tipos de canciones, todas, lo que no me gustan son llos narcocorridos, pero los mariachis me encantan, en general mi genero favorito es lo clásico.
Me pregunto qué más debería de decir, la verdad no sé, pero pues ni modo jaja uso lentes, soy niño, disfruto de dibujar, nadar, comer, cocinar, coser, hornear, escribir y cosas así =) Estoy bronceado, vivo en la tierra cuyo el cielo atrapó al sol, delgado, compacto. etc etc


View Journal

Dreams Of a Troublesome Spirit

Well, this is my journal, and I do like to imagine fun things, my life is daydreaming and creating other things; In this journal... What I plan to place is... Every idea I got, fun storys, funny dreams I got, interesting recipes, congrats and even so


View All Comments

Shu WLK Report | 03/29/2024 4:52 pm
surprised surprised surprised
Eddie-Foxx Report | 03/16/2024 12:48 pm
Heheh pudiste comprarlos?
Eddie-Foxx Report | 03/08/2024 4:01 pm
Mira mi equipped list xdd

Trabajo en la Procuraduria para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos hehe y si, nuestras vidas cambiaron mucho
Shu WLK Report | 03/06/2024 8:33 pm
heart heart heart heart
Eddie-Foxx Report | 03/06/2024 3:07 am
Hola xdd lo siento que nunca contesté, cambié de celular y olvidé Gaia de nuevo xdd, y pues soy el encargado del área de la Recepción y estoy de la mano con todas las áreas, estoy en el área administrativa
War Von Adler Report | 02/02/2024 1:32 pm
War Von Adler
Holis heart
XxCountessLuluOfLunacyxX Report | 01/29/2024 5:26 pm
xp hehehe
mwhahah > razz
Rekiis Report | 01/18/2024 2:56 pm
Just imagining you all snuggled up on a warm couch next to a christmas tree and fire place in a cozy sweater heart heart
Rekiis Report | 01/17/2024 3:28 pm
Awww haha that's so cute!!
Rekiis Report | 01/17/2024 2:37 pm
You're awwwwesome!!

What's your favorite holiday?


Letting go gets harder the longer it takes for one to do it

Nebbia d Argento
The Random Poet
Wolf Guardian X
Lunar Lake
Kiplin DeLeon
Foxy Turrets
Caelum Caeleste

Call me a Nightmare to Remember

Awesome First Friend!He loves medievo.

Edditing profile, will be adding more important peoples =3

Wolfy, he's so awesome =D

Zorritho que se enojaba seguido conmigo = w =Es divertido y le gusta tomar fotos

Brother, we do cause mayhem but its reassuring that it was thoroughly planned

Lil bro that counsels me

Awesome Zomg Team, missing some guys.Can't add them dunno why

He's just awesome kay?

This guy's my bro, he's awesome as well > w <

My petit Kiddo <3

Kevin Purple Folf o w o

He's awesome, likes pink stuff and I like teasing him.