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goth freak


Samuelhellen's avatar

Birthday: 10/31


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Username: sauelHellen
Name samuel von hellen
Race; vampire
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bi
pets: a black snake
powers: His charm( sometimes it works some times it dosen't
weapons: Sword and fangs
bio; He was turned by a female names Cara and left to die by her family but a slayer took him in and cared for him.
pic:User Image
other: tooken

my make

race: witch
gender: female
powers: black magic
weapons: a wand
Pic: (will get one)
other: n/a

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Joseph Evan Report | 02/20/2010 9:19 am
Joseph Evan
My right hand is randomly cold, while my left hand is warm.
Joseph Evan Report | 02/20/2010 9:10 am
Joseph Evan
May I add you to my friends list?
Joseph Evan Report | 02/20/2010 9:08 am
Joseph Evan
Hrm, new rule! Well, I could gift it to you, if I could remember how to find the darn link to that. It used to be on the list beside a person's name in thread, but they replaced it with "Buy a Gift" option that just takes you to the Cash Shop. Well, this'll give me more time to buy you stuff then!
Joseph Evan Report | 02/20/2010 9:05 am
Joseph Evan
Darn it, you don't have a trading pass yet. >.< Once you buy one from the bank, it'll let others send you stuff via trade.
Joseph Evan Report | 02/20/2010 8:45 am
Joseph Evan
Joseph Evan Report | 02/20/2010 8:44 am
Joseph Evan
Welcome to Gaia! Gonna make a wish list?
lordmichaelarmer Report | 02/20/2010 8:38 am
nice profile u have


my dream avi User Image


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