Viewing GarGo0or's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Hi everyone.. welcome to my profile

let's start with general info
Name: Gargoor...
well that's what I've been called since I was a kid... so it's like my name, my nickname... you wonder what it means? well I didn't know what it means until I reached 14 and it was a shock! it means "little sheep" in special clan's slang in Lebanon. My dad loved the sound of it when he visited Lebanon "before I was born" so he kept calling me that while I loved it without knowing what it means "Unfortunately" ... it sound cute so I liked it and now it's stuck to me...

I'm a statistic student in Qatar University "Never come close to this university if you want to live a happy life" <
My first Language is Arabic and I write novels and short stories in Arabic, but I decided to translate some and start writing in English. First it was because I wanted to join competitions in the writing contest forum, but then I felt I love writing in English more. You will see that my English is bad especially that I didn't take any special courses in English language... I wish I can be able to learn it better though...

Well... I'm Arabian but I don't live in a desert "Well the most thing I hate is when movies and cartoons show Arabian live in tents in the desert... GIVE ME A BREAK" I don't even remember that I've seen a camel more than once in real life...
Thank God I live in a house with my car and go to University and can't live without my AC, PS3, wireless, laptop, and cell phone...

I love playing video games... especially psychology and blood and gore games... and action too...
I love MGS series, Silent hill series, and Prototype the most
and won't forget Condemned 2!! and others like visual novels on NDS...

well if you want to be a friend you are welcome... if you have any question I'll be glad to answer...


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cookiee XD Report | 10/06/2012 9:41 pm
cookiee  XD
Is there anyway I Can buy your Case of Pietro for 875k? If it isn't sold by the time you've read this
Aurora Quartz Report | 08/29/2012 4:34 pm
Aurora Quartz
You're leaving?
Zariah Khi Report | 07/05/2012 6:10 pm
Zariah Khi
sure I'll try to join heart
Mobtasmah Report | 12/26/2011 12:46 pm
افتارج يزيغ !!
بس عجبني خصوصا البلشر و الكحله ..
احلى من المينون هذاك ..
Mobtasmah Report | 11/01/2011 12:37 pm
ماعليج منهم ..
اصلا حتى لو غيرتيه بعد شهر بقولون اي هذا مال الهلويين بعدها حاطته ..
Mobtasmah Report | 11/01/2011 10:20 am
تسلمين ^^

وانتي افتارج رجع "كيوت" -_-"
بس صج احلى من ام وردي ..
Mobtasmah Report | 10/08/2011 8:09 am
هلا ..اقولج تعلمت اسوي شكل ثاني للبروفايل..
شوفي برو فايلي اذا عجبج الشكل قوليلي ..بعدلج مالج
Mobtasmah Report | 10/06/2011 4:14 pm
عيونج الحلوة ^^
نطري بس خل اتفيج له ..هذا مؤقت smile
bleeding_shadows94 Report | 09/07/2011 5:32 pm
you wanted me to say "hey" so i posted that on your wall "today"! XD

[ My avi, drawn by my BFF Mobtasmah ]

They're in the same order as I collected them... Taste change through time XD