Ello! Thanks for stopping by, it would be cool if you could talk to me, espically about TWILIGHT! <3 meh love
Full Metal Alchemist Cuties :3

"The Philosopher's Stone.
Those who posses it, no longer bound by Equivelent Exchange in alchemy. They gain without scarifice,create without equivelent exchange.We searched for it, we found it."
- Edward Elric
Anime person <33er
i need to finish my homework but do i want too? eh ... no.
Im soo tired we ran the mile today outside. It was so hot i was all sweaty (sorry you had to hear that) and stuff. But i did a very good job. It took me 7 minutes && 29 seconds
im proud of myself but i felt so bad after i ran it
just about anything random that happens in my life...
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