Kalamity's Journal
I'll Practically write short fics or something... just to keep me busy for when i use gaia hehe
Last Login: 04/13/2007 9:25 am
Registered: 09/21/2006
Gender: Male
Remind me to update my interests.
I'll Practically write short fics or something... just to keep me busy for when i use gaia hehe
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I know now, that they created "love" for us. When you get sad-look to the I shall guilding you to your hope. When u get mad I will be supporting you. When you feel that you don't have the strength to continue-let me be your legs, and arms and carry you. For now, until they day I die-I am yours: mind, body, and soul. All, I have is yours. All, I do is for you. Your the only thing that is true to me.
I mean it when I say this. Babe, I love you
that gives you the information for all gaia stuff. If, that doesn't work tell me; I will double check alright love?
Just came to vist. Love always: Tempest Saurko