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Show me the funny!

I liked KiTH, and MST3K, DC over Marvel even though Suicide Squad sucked and I haven't really followed comics heavily since 1992. Reading lots of manga b/c it is SO prevalent. Here's a free device, may we load it up with manga for you? Yes please! I wish all countries could export their comics so freely. (PG-13 of course. France, Italy, I'm talking to you.)

I like to laugh but I'm at base very serious. My resting face is offputting and that's the way I like it!

I'm in California and I stay up late.


Avzel's avatar

Registered: 10/04/2006

Gender: Female


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I love cartoons! Also comics, illustrations, paintings and music..


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Lofty Ambition Report | 04/06/2024 8:50 pm
vvitchy vvoman Report | 04/29/2022 6:54 pm
LMFAO this is the best comment i've ever gotten on an avi xx
ArcticMoss Report | 04/29/2022 6:53 pm
Aw yay! Hopefully that helps some! ^^
Moonlight_Splendor Report | 04/06/2022 6:58 pm
Thank you! and (the obligatory) cool avie!
Jol and Doland s Report | 01/18/2022 8:16 pm
i'm not sure who Mr. Energy is. but i've mostly hung around the house, writing and stuff. what sorta errands did you do?
Jol and Doland s Report | 01/18/2022 3:50 pm
the weepin' wizard. how ya doin', sweet cheeks? 😘
Hikage CaLima-Ahzei Report | 11/07/2021 6:09 pm
TY for the deletion ! emotion_brofist preciate it ! 3nodding
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong Report | 11/05/2021 10:43 pm
Sorry ! Didn't see your message until now. crying
Jol and Doland s Report | 11/03/2021 5:43 pm
i want... zOMG back. and in a way that doesn't require standalone apps. but a way that accommodates what Lake Kindred uses.
Jol and Doland s Report | 11/03/2021 5:37 pm
'tis all said and done, the vile beast is vanquished. and i feel a sense of well... (opposite of accomplishment) since, i played all this on easy mode. though given that i've played on normal, and it's not easy to escape a fight...


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