
ConfessorCara's avatar

Last Login: 11/10/2021 7:29 pm

Registered: 10/20/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/02/1991


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When the world sees beauty as beauty, then arises the recognition of ugliness. When the world sees good as good, then arises the recognition of evil.

Why hello there little one, I bet you stumbled in here on accident did you not? Well, you have a chance to escape from my clutches You enjoy being within my grasp? Well then you shall read on and find out some tasty little tid bits about me. However if you are too startled to continue reading there are exits located at the top of the page. >3 Now read on and perhaps leave a comment?

Also, if you are no longer a virgin after reading this...I'm sorry, I could not keep my hands off that delicious body of yours...I'm sorry if I was too rough with you, next time I'll be gentle. is some info about me...

Name: Destiny Hope
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Origin: German
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Dark Brown
School: I'm going for my AA to be an IT Support Specialist
Birthday: April 2nd 1991, Year of the Ram. Which also happens to be my astrological sign. ^.^
Hobbies: Reading, playing video games, browsing the web, sketching, and annoying people... XD
Likes: Anime, manga, video games, books, art, music, I also like kids, considering I have one, and I love her with all my heart!
Dislikes: Illiterate people, rap, beggars/hackers, loud noises, people who have no business being on the road, and people staring at me through my window....O.o

Sexual preference: Straight but I do find the same sex attractive at times.(-`ω´- )

Last anime watched: Your lie in April. I loved it. But I cried. So much.
Current anime: Nothing ATM.
Next up: Hrm.... perhaps Host club?

I'm terrified of Thunder, Spiders, someone staring at me through a window at night, and things that dart quickly across the floor. >.<... Don't ask me why, I JUST AM!!!!

I'm currently just a TINY bit OBSESSED with Final Fantasy 14. Just a little. Last game I played was my second play through of Witcher 3. Still one of the best games I have ever played.

I'm a HUGE Snow fan! I love the fiery and feisty romantic... *Sigh*
Why do I love Snow? Cause he is what every guy should be. Hot, loyal, caring, thoughtful, romantic... need I go on?. x3

I am facinated by the Chinese Zodiac and astrology. Both describe me very well, so if you want to get to know what kind of person I am click on the links!
The only thing wrong about me with this one is that I am not in anyway a confident leader.
This one happens to be VERY accurate.

Nothing beats a pervert in glasses....NOTHING! D<

Thank you to Kitsunenochi017 for the wonderful profile and for allowing me to steal her stuff. ^.^ Love you Kit!

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View All Comments

Aazzuull Report | 05/28/2017 7:15 pm
Ayye lmao
Shuhasu Report | 01/19/2011 6:51 pm
lol random comment, but I like random comments XD, thanks

Fingerbang my Heart Report | 01/12/2011 8:15 pm
Neku Samonji Report | 01/11/2011 4:05 pm
Wow im honored that you would pay a high prize for me, I will make every gold worth it. wink
Neku Samonji Report | 01/11/2011 3:49 pm
Haha neat, you shall appear on mine in a bit.
Will look for a layout then start working on something to say there.
I wonder if you have any questions related to me? Willing to answer anything smile
Neku Samonji Report | 01/11/2011 1:59 pm
gotta go buy bread and some other things quick after I get back, I start working on it and put you, ok? blaugh brb
Cho_Uzumaki Report | 12/17/2010 9:01 pm
nice hair grlfriend! LOVE the new style! it looks so different and bad! i mean, it looks good just, xp it makes u look like a bad grl! by! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
kitsunenochi017 Report | 12/17/2010 5:51 pm
O 3o Merry Christmas. heart
chaosthingy Report | 12/15/2010 7:37 pm
kitsunenochi017 Report | 12/11/2010 5:48 am


When the world sees beauty as beauty, then arises the recognition of ugliness. When the world sees good as good, then arises the recognition of evil.

I'm always looking for an Role Playing partner! Literate with good ideas! If you want to RP with me, then send me a PM.


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Imma steal your cookies!

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I wanna fly! *Jumps off building*

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