Lady Kiwi

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This is what I'm wearing!

Can I have these? Pleeeeaaaase??? lol


All About ME! :)

Hey everyone! I'm a sixteen year old female, I love playing the piano, practicing my guitar, drawing (on paper or on the computer... smile ) singing, writing, and reading. I know a lot about computers. I love animals! My favorite animal is the cat! My friends say I'm alot like a cat- I love to sleep, I'm finicky, and I'm down right stubborn! lol
I won't tell you anything about my physical appearance-- if I did I'd be forced to take violent action! lol, no I'm joking. Me not saying anything about it is for security reasons. So no worries.
When it comes to people, I can pretty much get along with anyone, ecxept for those few who irritate me past the point of no return. I'm quick to trust, but once you betray that trust, its extremely difficult to regain. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! So don't do anything stupid, ok? smile lol
So do you all think I've said enough about myself? I do.
Have a nice life everyone! smile

You know, you should really leave me a comment... pretty please?

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Astomiko Report | 05/15/2012 10:55 pm
HA! Sixteen years old my butt! Has it really been four years you last came on here? That's crazy!

PS- I love you! heart
sneakykiki247 Report | 01/17/2009 7:57 am
try this! copy this comment on 10 different profiles and then press f5 to get 10k gold!
Salohcin1 Report | 11/15/2008 10:39 pm
you will die then you go to heaven forever bwahahahahahabwahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!just kiding
Salohcin1 Report | 11/15/2008 10:46 am
right back or you die.........................................................just kiding
Salohcin1 Report | 11/15/2008 10:45 am
hey sis how you doing
Astomiko Report | 09/17/2008 5:01 pm
Heya! How are you??? I am so gonna follow my dreams! I can wait to grow up, though. I'm in no hurry! And you with your drivers licence! LOL! Good for you~~~~
Astomiko Report | 08/05/2008 10:50 am
Great... NOT! That isn't what I ment, but whatever. Don't fill their heads with nonsence and DO NOT.... ummm, I forgot the other thing. Ahaha User Image , oh well.
Astomiko Report | 07/27/2008 7:32 pm
Mwahahaha, I adopted children on Gaia so now you are a Gaian Aunt! Mwahahaah, now you have to spoil them!
Astomiko Report | 07/15/2008 3:56 pm
Hey, about that banner? When will it be done cuz I kinnda wanna post soon/NOW! Ahahaha, but no rush, right? PLEASE!
Naughty_Sydney Report | 07/15/2008 3:59 am
hi..... how are yu we seen each other long ago so i miss yu muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



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