
DreamingInANightmare's avatar

Last Login: 02/22/2015 8:49 pm

Registered: 05/13/2007

Gender: Female


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Ichi-Hane_Tenshi Report | 11/03/2012 4:22 am
Hiya Amy. It's been a while. I learned French, and they let me work in the library at school. THEY PAY ME IT FOR IT. It's neat.
Oh yeah, and I can't recall if I told you or not, but my brother's dead. It's been a while by this point, so it's okay now. I should be finished with the first part of college in May if I don't slack off. And I think that concludes all the major points since a while ago. I hope you're doing well, or at the very least getting along with life.
I could phrase that more poetically, I'm certain, but I don't know if that's 1) a thing to put in a front-page comment or 2) really going to fit in this comment box. Also, I learned to knit.

Cuki3_Munst3r Report | 03/13/2011 8:11 pm
I dyed my hair... strawberry blonde. xp
cherryneko9 Report | 02/09/2011 12:13 pm
it looks almost like you, your avi heart
FriedPeas Report | 11/07/2010 11:58 pm
Bored x1000 Report | 06/08/2010 7:36 am
Bored x1000
Hi Amy. It's Branwyn! ^^
Ichi-Hane_Tenshi Report | 05/31/2010 1:13 am
Hey, I wrote you like seven letters, but I never ended up sending them. I was considering writing another one, but I figured I'd never send that one either. I'm just too lazy, I guess. So I decided to comment. When is your semester over?
Tetsuna Kuroyami Report | 03/15/2010 9:06 pm
Tetsuna Kuroyami
PLZ AMY im begging you, get me out of this damn wedding dress, i am not liking this one bit.
Cuki3_Munst3r Report | 11/12/2009 4:56 pm
What are you wearing? Its not christmas yet plus its still fall. and also why wasnt i the one who put it on you? XD
Tetsuna Kuroyami Report | 10/16/2009 10:06 pm
Tetsuna Kuroyami
******** ME THE HELL OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tetsuna Kuroyami Report | 09/14/2009 9:06 pm
Tetsuna Kuroyami
The almost being mistaken for sushi was on thing. But what the hell is with the wedding dress...........>_<, seriously, what the hell amy. Unlike you im not gay, so seriously, get me out of this thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!