Aboutme read it cos if i say yay pankcake ude think im a right idiot and think wtf -.-
about me stuff i like to say chump cumpette dude man woo wtf yey ninjas pankcake wat a funny word biggrin sandim called stephen but all my m8s call me steve or steveo the emo emo
my nicknames:humpfrey dont ask... d-fuzz, dumchum ,skippy steve ,steveo the emo, monkey
pll who have doantated to me:Fadingfaraway how much 2888gg and a momo omg your too kind <3tyVM<3
fave emote on gaia domokun
fave name: bob
fave food:umm food
fave drink:j2o orange and passion fruit i think
fave pets:cats
fave pencil:a little blue one with a monkey keyring
fave person on gaia my gf:Fading far away
fave npc on gaia: leon he loosk cool im jelouse of his armour

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