Kottan Belle

Kottan Belle's avatar

Registered: 09/09/2007

Birthday: 10/27


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[color=white]Enviro Me[/color]

Here's my enviro link. Send me something good.

Enviro Kotti

I update it when I feel like it.

Gothic Veil x4
Angelic Lace x3
Violet T-Rex x3
Kottan Bell x3
Seracila Pendant x3
Solar Mage x2
Biancamella x2
Yemaya's Pearl x2
Reve Rouille x2
Kottan Bell Reunion x2
The Nightmare x2
Hidden Ace x2


I sell things so rarely it does not even matter what I put here~


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Name: Kottan Belle
Call Me: Kotti, Belle, Kikai
Age: 23
Relationship Status: Single
Hobbies: Drawing, listening to music (mostly consisting of Anime soundtrack music), reading, writing, singing (I'm told I have a nice voice)


Anyway, I'm a nice person and I donate gold and items as long as they aren't asked for. I'm quite lazy and spend what little spare time I get either lounging around or reluctantly working on commissions because, quite frankly, I'd rather nap all day. I'm a professional truck driver (18 wheelers, yes) and I'm not home most of the time, though I wish I could be around more often. Gotta work, though...need to pay the bills, right? I think that about covers it...


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Kotti's Nonsense Keeper

Anything from my wishlist to random rantings.

Dream Avis

I'm too lazy to quest! lol


Hatsune Miku - Packaged

hatsune miku - saihate

Mah Totally Awesome Music XD

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.


View All Comments

Ryoka Saphron Report | 07/13/2020 6:37 pm
Ryoka Saphron
Kiiiiikaaaaaiiiiiii! emotion_kirakira
FoxehFury Report | 04/17/2018 7:52 pm
Hello! It's been awhile, how are you?
I play Love Nikki.
...kind of obsessed with it actually. xD
Bonzly Report | 04/17/2018 1:54 am
Bonzly Report | 04/16/2018 7:46 pm
Can I help>
Bonzly Report | 04/16/2018 6:07 pm
Firefox went to hell.

It's why I use Chrome.
Bonzly Report | 04/16/2018 5:46 pm
Bonzly Report | 12/04/2017 7:24 pm
dfrnt luv Report | 01/07/2017 9:52 pm
dfrnt luv
Ryoka Saphron Report | 11/22/2016 10:50 am
Ryoka Saphron
I think so, I have nearsightedness. He told me a bunch of other stuff, like my eye is a different shape. It's confusing @_@
Ryoka Saphron Report | 11/21/2016 11:42 am
Ryoka Saphron
I was refused lasik, so I got a procedure called Wavelength PRK. Takes longer to heal but vision gets better and better over the next few months.
I've been thinking about it for a bit after my mom got lasik 6 years ago. She can see and was so happy she got it.
If you're scared I'd say just schedule a consultation with a doctor in your area who specializes in that, and they'll figure out the best option.
My procedure took maybe...2mins total? I just stared at a green light for like 20seconds per eye, but they applied medicine and washed my eyes... but they numb you.


Questing: I like pink things~ (I've been on extended hiatus)
Progress: ??
Wanting: Art Freebies

You call me Kotti, yes?

Gaiaversary ~ 09/09

Birthday ~ 10/27

Ryoka Saphron
Misaki the Cute
Innuendo Intended

My wifey <3

Awesome people