Writing Arena SpotLight
- Return - Chapter One by Nitrox Dragon
- Chapter One of the saga of Nitrox Dragon.
- Bloody Monster: Prologue by Nolongerherefor3months
- Hello. This is the first installment of the story bloody monster. I had fun writing although I was shivering most of the time at one part in this prologue. Though, I wish I was longer. xP Please rate and comment. <3
- Angelic Wishes(The First Ruby) by AddictiveCupcakes
- Yuki was a Angel,always having what you Call Wishes.but in the Angelic Table of 7 Gems,they call them the Angelic Wishes.After the 7 Gems were lost,they are back on Earth,and only Yuki and Angela can find them.the first one is ...
- Short Story by DarkEve88
- its about a young girl and her Psycho Mother.
- Silent Pleads by DNDxRyuzaki
- there shall be more to come
- Love Story-Last Words by rubykurosawa
- He gave his life for her.She felt it was for nothing and that he was fool.How she loved him.One blow to the heart was the end of her Love Story.
- The Story Of The Hero by mall_cop100
- A boy in a land of Riley,was very courageous.But everyone disliked him the way he looked. Thats when a monster of Riley was awaken by a avalanche in the Rocky Mountains. Its up to the boy named Greg,to save his town, Riley,of...
- Left Me Alone. #2 by Little Milkflower
- This is where her life gets thrown into utter chaos. Make sure you read the first part [it just has the title not the number] or you're going to be extremely lost.
- The Epic Tale by Omnious Thunder
- A luminous sunrise enveloped the entire city of Burgandy; rays of scarlet light scattered throughout the area, eradicating any trace of green, blue, or indigo hues. Many wondered where the name ‘Burgandy’ had originated fr...
- loving you by Hot Saphira94
- this came to me one day ai a party its a story about a forbiden love hope you like it rate and comment advice welcome good or bad
- just a random short by -MysticCherri-
- a little story
- Him and Her Part 1 by SayuKira
- This is something random that I came up with. I was bored. So this came up in my mind and typed it down. I'll write the next part. re-edited the story. *hides*Don't hurt me!!
- Pyres-Cahpter One by OmNomAnimeGirl
- Chapter One of my novel i am writing. I'm hoping to get it published so please read, rate and comment, Chapter two soon.
- Email Animation: Dinner Dates by redheadsrule13
- Well this is part 6 of the story. If you could please rate and comment. I'd like some feedback please. Hope you enjoy!
- Yet Another High School Tale by ILikeBabyBarPoo
- I lifted the knife up and quickly brought it down upon my hand.Pain shook my body ,and forced my to drop the knife,but I picked it up with my injured hand.Then quickly jabbed it into my other.I held onto it this time as blood d...
- I Was Betrayed (II) by Overfriendly Cat-zombie
- Like this part of the story? Go read "I Was Betrayed (I)" then!
- A Labyirnth of Sorts. (part 1) by NumberofTheMoose
- Just this old Thing I've been working on in an on-off fashion. Also, I Suck at Descriptions.
- Flashlight (part eight) by BrOkEnXrObOt
- Part eigtht of the nine...almost there