• Hi, my name is Kira Dennis. I am a typical teenager at Manhattan High School. I love to email my friends, IM, surf the web, you know, average stuff. But one thing about me is not average. I have magic powers! One day at school, as usual, I was listening attentively. I often write notes, and today was one of those days. (Sometimes while I am studying, my best friend, Mariah Summers, can’t even get my attention.) Anyway, while taking notes, I usually never get to listen. So, I silently wished that the sentences on the board would just get transferred to my notebook, and guess what happened? It happened! That was the first day of my magic. The event made me quite buzzed. It has been a month since I discovered I had to power to make wishes come true.

    The next week felt like the peak of my life. My arch nemesis, Delanie Avila, started to get nice to my BFF and me. In the Café, her clique even saved Tina and me seats. (The Café was the sophomores’ name for the cafeteria.) Also, there was, believe it or not, a popularity list constructed by Delanie! Tina and I had also been in the last 50 in the past year. But now there was a change. We were moved to Top 50! Believe me, something was fishy. I hadn’t even used my magic powers since the day I had discovered them!

    I soon figured out that the Queen Bees, as we called them, wanted Tina to be in their clique! They asked her and guess what she said? Yes! Can you believe it?! Delanie told her that they were going to ask me, but they didn’t. Tina and I got into a HUGE fight. We yelled. We screamed. We blamed each other. My world was turning upside down! Tina and I separated: Tina going shopping with the Queen Bees, and me left without a friend. Could my life become any worst? Well, I guess so. The next, day while I was walking toward my locker, I saw that the popularity list was posted. I scanned the top 10, and jumped for joy. I saw that Tina Smith, my old best friend, was there. (I still wanted to be friends with Tina, but she had a different opinion.) I was still concerned about myself, and therefore scanned the list for my name. Again surprised, I sank to the cold floor. What had happened? Instead of my new place at Top 50, I found my name in the Last 25!

    But I had other problems. The annual Valentine’s Ball was coming up! What was I supposed to do? I didn’t even have an idea who I was going with! But I did have a dream. I wanted to go to the ball with Manhattan’s very own football superstar, Jesse Kendall. But everyone, well the girls, wanted to go with him to the ball. (The boys all wanted to be his friend.) I didn’t even have a chance. He does say “Hi!” to me sometimes, but he does that to everybody at the school. Maybe I would use my magic powers to make him like me.

    I am thinking very seriously of using my magic powers, once again. But would there be any limitations? I would have to think about it. Meanwhile, Delanie passed me in the hall. “Hi, loser! Guess who I going to the dance with?” was all I heard, though the hall was crowded. I had to say something. This is what I said: “Smelly Stephen?” Believe me, I was daydreaming. Jesse was all I was thinking about. “No, I am going with Jesse…” I left before she said those horrible words I never wanted to hear.

    I was thinking last night, and found a limitation. I thought, Wait he’s perfect. I have to use my magic. But I just couldn’t get the thought out of my head that, while I thought it was perfect, it would never be true love. So, some how or another, I had to not use my powers.