• My heart pounds in my ears. I feel every dermal layer as it is pierced by the needle.
    I feel faint as the needle rests within my vein.
    ...Or so I thought.
    I clench my fist, as the needle wiggles inside me. It hasn’t found the vein.
    I clench my fist again as the seconds tick like hours.
    My fingertips feel numb, I clench my fist and agony tears through my hand.
    The needle is still searching me, nothing has happened.
    My arm is gripped like a vice, I cannot stop what is happening.
    But I must keep my blood pumping to my fingertips.
    I clench my fist, pain fills my hand…At least I can still feel it...
    Clench, pain, clench, pain, the minutes pass, until finally the needle is removed, and I am released.