• A shadow mimicked me on the grass behind me as I took a drink from the magenta Vitamin Water I had sent my friend to retrieve from the store just off campus.
    An arm snaked around my waist and I became aware of the person behind me.
    I turned and smiled at the familiar face who had been resting her head upon my back as she normally did.
    I had disturbed her slumber and she looked a little upset.
    I embraced her.
    The familiar scent of shampoo and laundry detergent filled my nostrils as we hugged as if we'd never see each other again.
    She was my best friend.
    I awoke with the feeling of nostalgia and my cheeks were wet with tears.
    She was gone forever and nothing could bring her back.
    All I had left were these sad dreams of a better time
    I got no sleep the rest of the night.


    As I stared at the body in the coffin, I was filled with a mix of emotion.
    There she was, all dressed up in her best clothes, a look of peace about her face. My mother said she was only sleeping. Oh, how i wanted to believe that lie....I wanted to run away. I wanted her back desperately. I needed her. Whenever I felt like hurting myself, she was there, telling me to stop.
    When dad had packed up and left, she stayed on the phone with me until i fell asleep. She was my rock.
    As I listened to the preist rattle on and on about how she was in a better place, memories of the past flooded my mind.
    There we were, in kindergaten, with our hands full of paint.
    And in third grade when we got our ears pierced together.
    And, again, in sixth grade, when just a subtle glance from that one special boy sent us into a fit of delicious giggles.
    It was so unfair. She had hopes. Dreams. And all of them were taken away from her in an instant.
    I couldn't take it anymore.
    I got up, and started running. Where I was headed, I didn't know.
    I just needed to get away.
    Finally stopping near a small creek, I dropped to my knees, and let it all out.
    I screamed, and wept, and tried my hardest to wish it all away, only to be dissapointed by the reality of life. People were stopping and staring. I didn't care. I stayed there, pouring my heart out to no one in particular, until the park was deserted. I lay there for hours, lying still and motionless, waiting for some sign that this was all a sick joke, and that everything would be fine.
    But no sign came, and I just lay there.