• "Who is that?" Anton asked, poking and prodding at my shoulder. I took one faint glance up. Then turned another page in my book.
    "Gina Addison, she just got her braces off and her glasses were traded in for contacts,"I replied shrugging. He was still punching my arm trying to grab my attention. I sighed putting my book away.
    "Not Gina, though she is looking good. I mean the girl standing next to her," he said pointing. I looked up again and this time my eyes stuck. She was beautiful. Her golden hair spilling down her long lean back. Her pale neck curved as she looked away from our table. I wanted her to look at me, but was distracted by Anton.
    "Well do you know who she is?" he demanded. All I could do was stare and shake my head. Then I watched as Gina turned and caught my eye pulling the girl with her to our table.
    "Hey Cameron," she said to me. The girl still didnt look up. She just sat down next to Gina. I pulled my face up and gave a small smile to the taller girls cheerful face.
    "Hey, Gina. Who's your friend?"Anton asked without thinking. Again, the guy had no brains.
    "Oh, um.. this is Kat. Kat do you want to say hi? These are my friends. Anton and Cameron", Gina said seeming a little uneasy. Kat shook her head, keeping it down and her eyes away from anyone elses. I looked at her hard willing her to look up at me.
    As if she'd read my mind her eyes flashed up to mine and I froze. Her stare was ice cold. It burned right through me. The pain deep in those eyes. Her ivey green irses were strangely comforting for the hiding meaning deep in them. A shiver ran up my back and I couldn't look away.
    "Excuse me,"she said, her voice like a chorus of angelic singers. Screaming at me it flew through my ears. Then she stood up and left taking her tray, I noticed with her. Then on her way out I saw she dumped it, still full, into the trash. The cafeteria went on as if nothing had happened. But I could still feel the electricity flowing through me.
    "I'll be right back," I said as I got up and followed after her. Anton and Gina were too deep in there conversation to really notice.
    I walked throught the same door she did and went right just as I had seen her go. But no one was in the hallways. Slowly I kept walking unsure if I was really going the right way.
    "Are you following me?" asked a voice. I turned and saw that she was standing behind me. But how could that be. There was no room or side hallway to hide in. You either had to be in front or behind me. She couldn't have just let me slip by her without me noticing.
    "I-I uh..",I stumbled to find a good lie that would be an acceptable answer.
    "Yep, I knew it," she smiled glad to know she was right. "Why don't you go back to the cafeteria. I'm sure another jock such as yourself will be looking for you soon."
    "I'm not a jock,"I said dumbly. She looked down at my shirt which showed off my six pack because it was so tight.
    "Oh really?" she asked her tone close to be sarcastic.
    "Okay, I play football. But theres nothing wrong with that."
    "Of course not, But i'm not a cheerleader so you might want to go find yourself one. Because I can asure you right now. It'll be dangerous if you hang out with bad girls."
    "And are you one of those bad girls?" I asked stepping up closer to her. She stepped away and turned around. She walked off and I didnt follow her this time. But she was so interesting. Something I would and absolutely wanted to have. Though I noticed she hadnt answered my question. I would get one, I vowed to myself. Smiling I went to class as the bell rang.