• From what I could see, something fell and broke. I decided to call my boyfriend that thought the world of me. I swear he was the sweetest guy you would ever meet. So I called him one ring, two rings. I heard something behind me, so I turn around. There was nothing there and still no answer. That’s weird he always answers to me, especially at this time. I was upstairs and into my room. Again I heard a noise, but I ignore it. It’s just my head playing tricks on me; there is nothing in my house. Even if there was there is its probably just one of my friends trying to play a trick on me. I freeze as the image my friend haunts me. He was so young to die that way. I sigh and keep on my way to my room. I wish this house wasn’t so big. I heard the wind beating a tree branch against the window. I remember that in all horror movies there is always the dead body hanging outside of the window if you look out it. Good thing we have electric blinds on a generator. I flick the switch and they close making it even darker, Great just what I needed. The rest of the walk back to my room was eerily quiet. I always had music playing and tonight the power was out, so I couldn't. I tried to find my Mp3, but that was like finding a needle in a hay stack in the dark. I gave up after a few minuets and fell on my bed and laid there for about ten minuets and sat up. If there was light I would draw. Everyone says I'm an amazingly talented drawer. Everyone says I'm an amazingly talented drawer. I think they're just being nice. But I wont argue and get them mad. I freeze as the video shows of my friends death again. I can't breath as I relive the horror for a full minute. I go through the pain of him being killed. Then it finally leaves again. Man, three years later and you would think flash backs wouldn't still haunt me.