• "Bye Kelli" Selena yelled to her best friend before she went on her search for her parents
    "Buh-bye I will miss you" Kelli cryed
    Selena was 14 now and tall for age she was about to go to the airport to search the world for her real mother and father. I think I will check New York first because I thats where I found a Chaniez on the internet and maybe they can tell me where my parents are or maybe it is my parents.
    "Hello" Selena said to the boy sitting next to her on the plane.
    "Hey"he said" Do I know you?"
    "No I don't think so"
    "Well then My name is Derek"
    "Hi Derek my name is Selena"
    "So what are you doing alone on the plane"Derek asked
    "Going to try and find my real parents I'm going to New York because thats where I found someone with the same last name and that hopefully will me a clue to where I'm going"
    "Wow well I can tell you are curious about what I'm doing I'm going to New York to get away from my parents they are cruel people because I am different from everyone else at school but can't tell anyone what I am"
    "I know what you mean about having a secret that is so hard to keep" She sat wondering if she should tell him about her vampire family shes been living with.
    "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions because something about you seems different than people I've met before"
    "No go ahead"
    "What is your favorite color?"
    "What is your favorite fruit?"
    "Blood orange"
    "What is your favorite song?"
    "Decode by Paramore"
    "What is your favorite drink?"
    "I'd rather not say"
    "How come"
    "My "parents" that were caring for me only let me drink one thing and its kinda a family secret of theirs"Selena said laughing at her little vampire joke. "What is your favorite drink?"
    "If you don't tell me your I'm not telling you mine"
    "I hate you"
    Selena and Derek both put on their head phones and watch the movie but Selena fell asleep on Derek shoulder.
    "I'm sorry I fell asleep on you I just haven't sleep well since I was told the people I lived with weren't my parents"She scooted as far away as possible from him because she was embarrassed.
    "Its alright I didn't mind at all" I'm glad I got something to eat before I came onto the plane because she could be dead right now.
    "I know this is kinda weird to ask but do you wanna go with me to find my parents because I don't really want to go alone."
    "AWESOME thank you sooooo much" Selena hugged him
    "Your welcome but promise me something"
    "Don't worry if I disappear for an hour sometimes I eat alone and don't really like to be disturbed.
    "Ok" Thank god I can eat then because I don't really know what I'm going to eat since I'm so used to blood and all but I'm a human.
    "WE ARE LANDING NOW SO BE READY TO GET OFF"the attendant yelled
    "OMG why is she so loud" People were saying behind Selena and Derek.
    "Lets go" Derek said getting up to leave
    After they got their luggage and a taxi they went to a hotel to get a room with 2 bedrooms so it wouldn't be crazy awkward
    "Oh Gawd its like 11pm I need to sleep" Selena said surprised when she looked at the clock
    "I think I will go to bed too" Derek said
    ~3 hours later~
    Selena woke up and was thirst so she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water even though she really wanted to have some blood because it was what she was used to.
    "I should tell her......secret......can't live with her to risky.....vampire"Derek was mumbling in his sleep an Selena heard and was kinda surprised about the him being a vampire because she thought her family was the only one from her area. She decided to talk to him tomorrow about her secret and see if he would say his.
    ~morning time~
    "Good Morning Derek" Selena walked over to the couch he was sitting on starring at the Tv.
    "Hey sleepy head have a good sleep"
    "Kinda but I want to talk about something"
    "What is it is it about us living in the same room together because I could get my own"
    "No its about a secret I've been keeping from you that I need to tell someone and I believe I can trust you with it"
    "Um...ok what is it"
    "Well as you know I was adopted and I didn't learn that until a few days ago. Well when I learned that my foster parents I guess you could call them told me that I wasn't like them that I wasn't a vampire. I was confused because I had lived off blood all my life and I didn't know how I would live now. So basically what I'm trying to tell you is that I was raised by vampires and drink blood"
    "Oh um a WOW"
    "So I hope that you knowing doesn't spoil our friendship but you can leave now if your freaked out"Selena said laughing inside because she already knew he was a vampire and this probably shouldn't freak him out.
    "It doesn't freak me out but I have a secret too I am uhhh.."
    "Your what?"
    "I am a V-Vegetarian" Derek said chickening out of tell her the truth "So what you are doing by drinking blood and all is kinda nasty but I guess its your way of life so I'm ok with it"
    "Whatever I'm going to go to the address I found and see if it is one of my relatives"
    "I will come along with you"Derek jumped up "I can't stay in this room forever"
    They went outside and got a Taxi and went to the house and learned that the lady who lived there was on vacation and would be back the next day from a neighbor. Selena and Derek were a little frustrated about that but they will meet with her the next day and find out the truth hopefully.