• “Get off our territory!” came the yowl behind two fleeing cats. The shine of the waxing moon filtered through the towering pine trees. A pack of large, snarling cats were chasing them. The gray tom and silver she-cat weaved in and out of the massive tree trunks, at times loosing sight of one another, and other times running so close their pelts brushed. The she-cat’s breathing was labored.

    A stream came into view, thin enough for a fit cat to jump but wide enough to discourage most animals from crossing. The tom cleared it in one powerful leap, the moonlight making his gray pelt blaze in the air. The she-cat had to splash through the water, wincing uncomfortably when the water rushed under her swollen belly.

    The tom landed gracefully, his paws not making a sound as they touched the ground. He turned to watch the she-cat wade slowly through the water, one wary eye on her, the other on the quickly approaching hostile cats. He tensed his muscles, ready to fight if they pursued them across the swiftly flowing stream.

    But the caution turned to confusion as the cats slowed and came to a full stop, just before the water would begin lapping at their paws. As the tom bent to grasp the she-cat’s scruff and haul her out of the cold liquid, he angled his ears to catch their words. “They’ve crossed the border.” Spat one of them. “Those two rogues are ThunderClan’s problem now.” ‘ThunderClan?’ The tom thought. “And don’t come back1” The cat yowled at them.

    Despite her wheezing and shivering, the she-cat beside him yowled strongly. “We won’t! Your hospitality stinks anyway!” But the cats were already gone.

    The two cats huddled close together at the base of a large tree. An owl hooted in the distance, causing the fur on both cat’s shoulders to fluff out. “Rob, where are we?” The she-cat whispered, her voice quivering. There was no sign of the strong she-cat that had out-run those cats.

    Rob licked her ear reassuringly, hoping she couldn’t sense his pelt prickling uneasily. I don’t know, Krystal. Let’s get some sleep, and maybe we can find out more.”

    Krystal nodded. She pressed herself against him and twined her tail with his. “I love you.” She murmured sleepily. Soon her breathing deepened, showing she was asleep.

    But sleep did not come so easily to Rob. He shifted restlessly, listening to the unfamiliar sounds of the night. He recognized the chirping of crickets and the whispering of the leaves in the breeze. But there were so many things he didn’t know. There were so many conflicting scents wreathing around him. His own words repeated in his mind. ‘Maybe we can find out more in the morning.’ Eventually, Rob fell into a troubled sleep.

    The two mates slept side by side that night, in a new place that would soon become their home.