The Fear of Unnecessary Secrets by: Steven C Walter Jr. Prologue-The year is 5o.a. (only adolescents).A chemical compound is released into the air that effects everyone except young adults. The effect of the chemical made these teens sterile and they never age. It also gives hem unencountered intelligence, strength, and elemental powers. Many years have passed and still no cure has been effective. Even with their increased knowledge no elixir has prevailed. The Democracies of the lands have proved worthless and rebellion has come into play. Many so called great-leaders have constructed enormous armies. Some for the good of mankind most though are their just to gain power, influence and territory and they will stop at nothing to gain it. As these smaller militia have grown bigger civil war has broken out in many countries. These civil wars are causing a lot of havoc in this is making kingdoms, that are a lot larger, become greedy and rise to the occasion to take land for themselves also. As this mayhem is going on these large kingdoms are getting smarter, stronger, and more destructive. This is causing trouble for the small innocent provinces that want no part in this. But, the fact is … that it’s too late!
Character Background Sutanen Witakama- “I was born in a small village in the land of Wu. My name is Sutanen Witamama and that small village was where I lived with my 2 sisters and older brother. My mother left when I was young but I still had my dad. Both my brother and my father where in our towns militia. They were the best and everyone knew it. I wanted to be just like them someday. They were brave and skilled but sooner then I should have had to. I was going to have to fend for myself without my dad. That day I will never forget no matter how hard I try. It will stay there like a scare burned into my skull and no matter how much I just want to beat it out I kind of don’t want to forget! I was scouting out the Mautanie Mines near my village. There was a tale that one of the 12 Legendary swordsman layed his sword there many years before my time. So there I was lifting rocks moving metal heaps out of the way just minding my own business you know. All of a sudden a pack of wolvorox’s attacked me. You’ll never see a person run faster than when they are running away from those things. I was running so fast that I forgot to look at the ground in front of me. I tripped and tumbled forward for like 800 minutes until I hit a large rock mass. I was stilled being followed but, at the top of that heap of rocks was the one thing I came looking for. It was beautiful, I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. It was the sword known as the black tooth blade, for the things on it that resembled teeth. I picked it up and made my way back home but who knew what was going to be in store for me there. I was only 12; I mean if I didn’t go to those stupid mines I could have been there to stop it. But, soon enough I found out that stupid airborne substance was unpreventable. I just couldn’t take it. I had nothing, there was no reason to live, I was so angry. At that moment my hands ignited with fire! But, the weird thing was it didn’t burn it didn’t even tickle. It was the opposite it actually felt good like a dormant power ready to be released. I had to learn how to use it. No, not just use it master it like if it was second nature. From that point on I knew I had to get stronger. Strong enough to make myself an unstoppable force. No one would be hurt as long as I had something to say about it.”
-Sutanen Witakama
Character Background Alexander Pouletna- “One of the strongest lands in our kingdom, the land of Shoix. The land I was born in. My name is Alexander Pouletna, but they call me Alex for short. I have lived a quite sophisticated life. My father was a brilliant and powerful government official (as some might say). The only good thing he really did was put me in a school full of good looking women, which I have no problem with. I am an only child so life can get pretty boring. My father thinks the more siblings, even friends, you have the more you will be held back from your full potential. So, I guess you can say I’m a little shyer then the average person (except when I’m around the ladies, I’ve always been a chic magnet and the ladies always been Alex magnets). But, to tell you the truth my dad was the only one really holding me back from my full potential. I have this weirdo my dad says is my master teach me the so called “way of the warrior” (he is garbage at that). So if I wanted to get stronger I would have to ditch the chump and teach myself. So when everyone is asleep I go out into the woods and train. People are always wining about the bandits that constantly mug people their but that is not my problem. It is a dog eat dog world and if you can’t survive that’s your problem. So one night I go out as I do all the time. This time it was different though, it felt like I was being followed. I paid it no mind and continued to the usual spot (just a place that I hide my equipment and that no one can see if you know if I break some trees). I went down in my bag and grabbed my gloves and out of nowhere but, it seemed like a gust of wind separated me from the swordsman slash. At that moment I realized I could control the air around me, and this was a very good thing. Without thinking, just reacting I kicked the idiot in the face sending him flying and also releasing the grip he had over his blade. He took off running like a little girl after one hit. I went back to grab his sword but it wouldn’t budge. That’s when I took off running after him. I was moving more rapidly then I usually do leaping off trees like it was second nature. But, the weird thing was when I caught up to him it was like he just disappeared. I went back to go see if I could lift the sword up off the ground. When I got there it was laying there just as the bandit had left it. I went again to remove it from the ground but it wouldn’t budge. From that point on I vowed to make that weapon mine. First things first, I had to get stronger and with my new ability that would be easy.
-Alexander Pouletna
Character Background Davide Sunetiema- “I have only one purpose in life and that is to restore my family. My sister and my brother were both taken from me and no matter what I vow to get them back any who stand in my way will pay the price with their lives. I will get them back even if my life is taken in the process. How do I find them, well that is the hard part. Since I was very young my family was split apart. When I was very 10 was the last time I saw my sister. The people that took her from me will pay and that is a promise. A few weeks later my brother was taken also. I was weak, I couldn’t prevent them from this horrible fate and I am going to be the one that is going to get them back so I have to get stronger. To the point where I am untouchable. At first I and my siblings never had parents. The only thing that mattered to me though is that we were safe and together. We moved around a lot but we always had a place to stay. There were people though that were afraid of us just because we were different and that caused even more problems later on. When I realized the reason we were being stalked all the time to my surprise it was a good thing. I had the power to control anything that was naturally made solid. This was something that I realized had unimaginable capabilities. The pros and cons this brought to our situation were pretty weird though. As I was training to earn to you my powers I left multiple areas leveled which made us stand out even more. The first time they attacked, it was brutal. I didn’t want to hurt anyone but they weren’t going to separate me from my brother and sister. They were picking on a bunch of kids for no reason other than the fact that we were different. When they saw the true extent of my power is when they started taking me seriously. I created a dust cloud to help make our escape but they still managed to grab my sister and I will get her back. The second time they came I was more prepared. This time it was different on both sides of they came with weapons. They mutilated me beyond recognition the only way I could escape is by leaving Tai. The fact I had to leave him will never become a factor next time because know I’m undefeatable. I’m working on a lead on the were about of my sister. They say she rolls with this guy named Maxani. It looks like I’m going to have to pay this idiot a visit.”
-Davide Sunetiema
Character Background Ayume Manetaki- “I don’t recall too much about my childhood. Most of it is still a little blurry. The only things I can remember are that I moved around a lot and other then that all I can say is that I had 2 brothers and no parents. That stupid orphanage I was raised in wasn’t much of a home. I was there by myself like an unwanted puppy at a store being auctioned off. All I had from my past was 2 bracelets with the initials AM, which are mine, TE and DS which must have been my brothers’ initials. Unfortunately most of my young girl hood was spent in this awful place (to tell the truth I hated this place). At the adoption home they made me feel an outcast. The whole time I was there all I wanted was acceptance was that so much to ask for. They were just jealous of my strength. And, ever since I was little I had the feeling that I had a better purpose then rotting in this hole some call home. So the time I did spend there I devoted all my energies to getting tougher, stronger, faster, and smarter and that all came with ease. But, all that came with a price, it seemed like the stronger I got the more I was resented. Soon all the jealousy started making me uneasy. People, for no reason, sneering at me giving me dirty looks. I just wanted to punch them in the face and crush their skulls with my bare hands. But, I couldn’t do that so I just decided to leave. So the next day I gathered what little stuff I owned and left. I didn’t know where I was going but it didn’t matter I was free. But there was a problem I needed food and money both of which don’t come easy. I was also a little upset about the fact that I had no none to talk to (not that I did where I was staying) but this time there was really no one to talk to. I don’t know why but looking at the river just made me even more upset even to the point I started crying. The weird thing was that the tears didn’t just go into the water and dissipate they were hovering above the water. And when I pondered upon it I could make them move. At first I was freaked out but I was still calm about the fact that I could control liquids. Cool! I had to get the necessities of life but let’s just say I found a way to get them but it was the wrong way. Let’s just say I got involved with the wrong people. This guy Max, well he saw me using my powers and he said I could use them for you know, good. But, come to find out this guy is a bounty hunter. He told me if I made the right moves I could make a lot of money and that was a very good thing. My first big target was Sutanen the Blaze controller (what a gay name). He supposedly has the power to create and manipulate fire which is pretty cool actually. Max says he causes trouble for people like us so take him out by any means necessary. So that’s what I went to do. Easier said then done!
Character Background Tairen Esaroti- “Tairen Esaroti, yup that’s my name, but everyone calls me Tai. My past is still unknown to me a little groggy to me. All I can remember is that I had a Brother and a Sister, and all I have to remember them by is the staff I own with their initials on it. Other then that the day I was taken from them really stands out in my mind. It was pretty gruesome, well let’s just say my brother is not one of the guys you would want to get on his bad side. He tried so hard to protect me but it was to no avail. Ever since then all I can remember is being alone. I’d do odd jobs to get just enough money to get something to eat. I have my own place, but it gets kind of boring being alone all the time. That’s when I got the idea to make myself stronger. That way I could make friends that were just like me. How wrong I was, though people started paying attention to me all they wanted was to fight me. These guys were less friends and more enemies then they should have been. The only problem was that they never won they just couldn’t match my speed. Even if they did I had an ace in the hole, a trump card some might say. I can create an electrical current in my body and flow it through my hands, kind of like lightning just better. The guys that wanted to fight me kept coming back for more and it got pretty annoying. Some nights I wouldn’t get any sleep just because I thought I would be sneak attacked. I would sit there clenching my staff just waiting. I didn’t think it was worth losing to much sleep over so I got the thought of moving. It was no bigy but I would miss my home. Who knows what awaits me in this outside world. They say that there is this guy named Alexander that is kind of cool maybe he would want to be my friend. -Tairen Esaroti
Character Background Natasia Mantana- “Unfortunately I was born in a time of mass havoc. My life had very little joy along with scarce happiness. But, what my life did contain a lot of was violence. All my life I had to learn how to protect my sisters and I cause all we had was each other. When I was 5 my dad left me my two sisters and my mom alone. We had nothing ,no food , no job nothing. Some days my mom would leave she would say she would be back later that day. Sometimes though she wouldn’t come for days, that turned into weeks and then one day she left and never came back. The village that I lived in became poorer as time went on. We were constantly pillaged by bandits from the forest to the west and pirates from the strait from the north. These weren’t any type of pirates they were more barbaric if anything. They were savages they even killed innocent people for no reason. Many of the aristocrats of our time moved out after the first dozen raids or so , most of the money that was there was worthless because really no one had any. This was really bad for me and my sisters because we really had no money and no place for protection. If you were caught outside during the raids you were killed or taken captive as a slave and that was the worst part. In the outskirts of town we had a old Dojo. At this particular Dojo there was said to be a samurai beyond any other that had ever lived on the face of the earth, Mantana. He was said to have been in a thousand wars and he survived each one. Many wanted to be his apprentice but they all had greed in front of them not the will to do good. During this particular raid I took me and my sisters to hide there. It was like any other place we took shelter in, we would stay until the town was completely clear. When we got to a room with door still completely attached we went inside and stayed there. The raid that was going on was long for some reason many screams could still be heard from inside the Dojo. Unknown to me in the room next door there was a man sitting in the middle of the floor meditating. He got up and walked into the room me and my sisters were in. I didn’t know who he was, so I told my sisters to get behind me and I grabbed the closest thing to me that could be used as a weapon. He asked me why I was willing to stay and defend myself other then run away. I told him that it was kill or be killed and that was the way of life I walked. He asked me if I fought to protect or to kill. And the words I spoke next would change the rest of my life. I told him I fought to protect and that’s when he made me his apprentice. I did not know he was Mantana until the day the serum hit. He passed katana down to me I didn’t know what to do. For the past five years I lived slept an breathed samurai know I would have to find my own path lets hope it’s the right one. My sisters were dead my parents were dead to me and also my master life became pretty hard. Why was all this happening to me I was so fustrated with pain and anguish when all of a sudden my hands were consumed with fire. I didn’t have a clue what was going on but I liked it. This new power is for my use and I’m going to make sure that no one will have to be scared cause I will be there to protect them. I over heard some people talking about this cereal killer named Sutanen and this was going to be my first objective and that is to put him to an end. -Natasia Mantana
- by Sutanen Witikama |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/18/2009 |
- Skip

- Artist: Sutanen Witikama
- Date: 04/18/2009
- Tags: fear unacacary secrets
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