• My eyes shift rapidly from left to right, over looking the battle field of what once was my home. So much suffering, so little life left hiding in the shadws. A young boy knelt beside his motionless mother and wept those silent, bone chilling tears. All he had ever owned, loved and cherished, now lie in ruins. Never had I seen such pain in a child's eyes, since my childhood. Rough as this tarnished world was, it was not fair to a child to see his family left out in the streets to rot in dire conditions.

    "Aeva!" called a voice from behind me. "The force is moving on, leave your fury for the enemy. This town is finished."
    "General Kesslar, you can't just leave these civilians here! They're defensless, what if the Desmair come back? We will lose this territory and they'll be at our backs!" I reasoned.
    "This place is not of our concern! Leave them. What happens to this town after we leave is what is destined to happen." he replied.

    I returned my eyes to the burning homes and ruin. All that was left were two small children, to young to even hold a sword. The girl stood next to the boy who was kneeling beside his mother, she was staring back at me with those broken tear filled eyes. A loud horn sounded in the distance, it was a Desmair call. They were here. "Arm yourselves for battle! The Desmair are back with reinforements!" I exclaimed. The army readied themselves once more. Silence came about on the pitch black night. "Lookout!!!" A voice called. An ariel flight of arrows rained down upon us. I reared my horse and headed for the children. They were huddled together as I sprang off my stead and shielded them with my body. A sharp pain shot through my spine. A pain so great I could not bare it and my world seemed to slip out of focus.