• Today is February 18, 2005. At least it was the last time I bothered looking at a calendar. Ever since I “stole” my neighbor’s car and laptop I have been sitting on what they call a “bed”, in the worst place I could be at the age of fifteen; The Florence County Juvenile Detention in Rutail, Oregon. Supposedly, I broke into Mrs. Creaton’s house during the night of February 2, 2005, stole the laptop and hotwired the car and took off. The car was found in the morning outside of the local library. All the evidence pointed to me, but the problem is that I was at the town’s recreational center playing basketball. Too bad I just happened to be the only one at the gym at that point in time. Go figure. How great is that to tell the judge! Now I regret not taking my best friend, Alex with me. He would have been a great alibi for me to take to court.

    Although my life seems to be horrible right now, it’s not. Luckily I have a good cellmate named Brain. Brain is a quiet guy (unless you start talking politics) with a good sense of humor. All he does is read, sleep, and get into an occasional fight. He hates a messy cell, even though there really is not much to clean up. Other than that, our cell is boring. I would love to describe the cell, but there is not much here. Just two bunks, a toilet, a sink, a small mirror, a slit in the concrete to reveal the busy outside world, and twenty-three heavy metal bars holding me in (I count them in my spare time).Suddenly my cell door opened to show a large male cop. I just remembered that today was my dreaded date with the judge and his crime fighting friends, the court jury. At that moment I realized, Jacob Greene, age fifteen would have to face my fear of being put on the spot for something I did not do. Why must things happen.