• My cousin and i were walking to school one morning, when we heard a large crash about a mile away. We headed over there figuring that maybe it was a school bus, and we could get away with being in the crash. But we were a little afraid if it was a school bus, because neither of us had ever seen a dead person before, and we really hoped that it wouldn't be one of our friends. Still, we walked there. When we finally arrived, nothing could have surprised us more than what we saw.
    I told her to run, but i think she was in shock. Moving towards us, were mindless, flesh eating zombies. I turned to run, but realized my cousin still wasnt moving. Grabbing her hair, i started to run, and she finally must have come to terms with the fact that we were soon to be breakfast. We decided to go to school, and see what happened there, and hoped the little "problem" we had run away from would be taken care of by the millitary. Our hopes, were so wrong.
    When we reached the school, it was silent, except for the occasional scream. Kayla, my cousin, turned to run, but i pulled her back. "We are going inside!" I yelled at her. And she just stared at me, like i was crazy, which i probably was, but i wasnt letting my friends get eaten. So, we walked inside, very slowly. No one was in the office, but the windows were broken. There was no one in the hallways either, so we made a break for the gym. Why you ask? Well, the only way to destroy a zombie, is to destroy its brain. So where would we get weapons? The gym.